• Coping With Trauma Triggers

    This past week has been very trying for me as I learn to navigate through extreme trauma triggers. The other day was my birthday, which I expected to be difficult. All ritual abuse survivors have been abused repeatedly on their birthdays, and so even if you have come to a place of freedom from physical rituals, you still have to battle through the spiritual aspect of it. Not only does the spiritual attack from astral rituals and human spirit harassment come into play, but also dealing with the emotional trauma of abuse that was perpetrated repeatedly. Even if you don’t…

  • How To Overcome By The Word of God

    Many days we feel the pressure of the enemies attack against us and it feels so overwhelming. There is only one thing that can overcome all the attacks from the devil, as well as all mind-control programming. I have found the more I heal from the emotional and spiritual wounds of my past, the more effect proclaiming the Word of God has over the trials I am currently in. In the past, I struggled to see any difference the Word of God made when I proclaimed it, but that was only because I was unable to see what Jesus was…

  • When You Have Been Abandoned By God

    I have spent many years in deep suffering and pain and during that suffering, I have believed that God was allowing it to happen. He didn’t hear my prayers or my pleas for help. So many times I prayed and begged Jesus to help me, yet no relief came. I believed God had abandoned me and I hated Him for it. I think many people, Christians, and non-Christians alike go through periods of feeling abandoned by God. The question is why does it seem so often that God does not hear us or answer our prayers? Has He really left…

  • The Wages Of Sin

    I have struggled with the concept of sin for a very long time. You see, when I heard sin I hear “evil” and “bad”. I have not been able to separate being evil or bad from being a sinner. I could not understand the true concept of sin and it has held me back from God for a long time. When I was a child, my family and the other occult members that abused me, used the Bible and God’s Word against me. So words like sin and hell were reserved for times when I was disobeying and were used…

  • God’s Protection In Times of Trouble: A Bible Study

    I know there are many people who are struggling right now with feelings of despair, confusion, and rage against the horrible things they have had to endure. You may be thinking, where is God in all of this? Why would He allow such things to happen to me? To anyone? I have wrestled with these exact same questions myself and I am here to tell you how God is indeed right in the midst of it with you, according to His Word.   God did not allow this to happen to you God never allows evil, He allows free will…

  • Witchcraft & Idolatry: A Self Examination

    I have come a long way in my journey of healing my self-hatred, but no matter how far I come I can’t seem to leave it behind. So I am left asking myself: what is it about self-hatred that I subconsciously believe is helping me? The answer I came up with is my self-hatred is actually rooted in hatred for God. That might seem really horrifying to some, but if I don’t confront these deeply hidden roots inside of me, I will continue to live them out. If I don’t examine myself and find what in my heart is still…

  • How I Became A Dominating Wife

    I never wanted to be a dominating wife, but sometimes God leads you down one path in order to teach you along the journey. As a young woman growing up I began to experiment with intimate relationships with other women. I was tired of being “used and abused” by men and I firmly believed that if I was in a relationship with a woman I would never be hurt or abused. A woman would be compassionate and kind, and would never, never use me for sex. However, it didn’t take me long to discover that I was 100% wrong in…

  • Modesty: Emphasizing Your Inner Beauty

    Eight years ago when I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ I had no idea what modesty was. Honestly, I don’t know if I had ever even heard the word. At that time clothing was a way to “express myself” which mostly meant getting attention and feeling good about myself. I often didn’t care about comfort or proper fit if I felt that I looked good. I thought that if I showed off certain parts of my body I would get attention, and attention meant acceptance and love. However, all people are really only looking for the true love…

  • Exposing Roots of Bitterness and Betrayal

    When I was a child, I truly believed that the Illuminati destroyed my life and stole every last shred of hope from me. Everywhere I looked, it proved to be true. My family betrayed me at the deepest levels, as I was severely abused in every way there is to abuse a child. Worse than that, I believed that God also had betrayed me. I believed down to the core of my soul that God abused me and then abandoned me to be abused by others. I have carried these beliefs with me for my entire life never accessing them…

  • How To Overcome Oppression

    There are times in your walk as a Christian when you will face extreme opposition by spiritual forces that can’t be seen. The enemy we face is not that of flesh and blood, but of powers of darkness in unseen realms that are seeking to destroy your faith, your hope, and your life. I have had many times where I personally have been extremely oppressed and I have gathered some useful weapons to help arm you to fight this spiritual battle. First, before we go into the weapons of our warfare, I want to define what oppression is. There are…