• The Reliability of Jesus

    I never had a sure foundation until I met Jesus. Everything in my life was unstable and unpredictable. I never knew when I was going to be punished, tortured, or taken to a ritual. I have lived in constant fear and anxiety about what horrible thing will happen next. Never knowing when the other shoe would drop is a terrifying way to live. I have looked for safety by trying to control my environment and circumstances every second of every day. Anything that was a hair out of place threw me into terror, which came out as rage. Despair and…

  • Jesus Is Shaking Your Identity

    I have been through a really rough few months. I have agreed to a massive agenda of self-hatred and self-sabotage for a long time and it has finally come to a head. I have believed so many lies about myself and shaped my identity, but thank God He has been shaking the foundation of all of these lies to bring me to the truth. First of all, I just have to say that I believe God is shaking many people to the core of their identity right now. It feels like your world is unstable and you are falling apart.…

  • Learning To Rely On God

    It has been a long journey for me to learn to rely on God. When I first became a Christian I wanted nothing more than to have complete surrender to God in every area of my life. I prayed over every decision I made because I didn’t want to take a step in the wrong direction. I wanted to make sure that everything I did was God’s will for my life. What I didn’t realize I was doing was still a part of retaining control. I know that sounds very odd to think that praying and seeking the Lord in…

  • When You Have Been Abandoned By God

    I have spent many years in deep suffering and pain and during that suffering, I have believed that God was allowing it to happen. He didn’t hear my prayers or my pleas for help. So many times I prayed and begged Jesus to help me, yet no relief came. I believed God had abandoned me and I hated Him for it. I think many people, Christians, and non-Christians alike go through periods of feeling abandoned by God. The question is why does it seem so often that God does not hear us or answer our prayers? Has He really left…

  • Wrestling With A Sovereign God

    One of the things I have struggled with for most of my life is the concept of a sovereign God. How can a God that has supreme power and authority over not only all of the earth but heaven and hell as well, allow terrible things to happen to people? That sounds like a god that has no emotion or compassion for people, no matter who they are. Any god that allows death and hell to remain for a single day under his watch cannot possibly be a good or loving god whatsoever. I have seen many terrible things happen…

  • Is God Punishing You?

    How many times have you wondered if God was punishing you? Maybe something bad happens in your life or your prayers aren’t being answered. Maybe you see the tribulation around you in this world and you think ‘Is this God punishing me, my family, or the world at large?’ Well, I’m here to tell you that is absolutely not the case. I have wondered many times if it was God punishing me or if I had done something to anger him. I have experienced much suffering, pain, and tribulation in my life and many times wondered if it was God’s…

  • Bibliolatry: Worship Of The Bible

    I never thought that a person could actually worship the Bible, or that there was even an actual term for this. Bibliolatry can be taken by some to mean “taking following the Bible to an extreme”, but the truth of Bibliolatry is that it means “to worship the Bible in the place of God”. Now, I never would have considered myself a person that in any way worshiped the Bible, but what I have come to learn is that in a way I have. There are many times in my Christian walk I have turned to the Bible for answers. However, I…

  • The Cost Of Following Christ

    Following Jesus has never been easy. If we look back to ancient times we have seen that the cost of following Christ can be one’s own life. Even in modern times we have seen Christians being slain in other countries for their beliefs. Here in the United States where I live, we don’t see a lot of death and persecution for following Jesus. I honestly have never thought a lot about the cost to me personally for following Christ. I’m the type of person that once I commit something, I am all in. Making the decision to commit is a…

  • Is God Enough? Reshaping Our Identity

    As we look back into the Garden at Adam Eve, we can see they were perfectly setup.  They had it all. They walked with God daily, all their needs were perfectly met, and they had each other they. They had a purpose and they were living totally unashamed of who they were. Yet when sin crept into the Garden, suddenly none of that was enough. God was no longer enough, and the perfect life He provided for them was not enough. This is the beginning of human discontentment. What caused this discontentment for Adam and Eve? What brought on the…

  • Seeing God As Father

    For most of my life I have held a view of God as mean, distant, judging and condemning, harsh, cruel and hateful. It is the reason I hated Christianity so much. It was the reason I spent a season as an atheist, and it’s the reason I turned to witchcraft. The way we view God is a filter for how we view everything. If we see God as cruel, then we begin to see the world as a terrible place. If we see God as distant, then we begin to suffer in our relationships with others. If we see God…