• Experience God

    Everyone has their own way to experience God. Some people have had an encounter with Jesus where they have actually seen Him walk into the room and sit on the bed. Amazing. I have heard stories of villages where everyone had the same dream that they saw Jesus, and whole villages are being converted. Paul the Apostle saw Jesus on the road to Damascus and was changed forever. Some people experience God through a gift of healing others by praying in the name of Jesus. There are so many ways to experience God, to really feel and see and taste His…

  • Comfy Cozy Christian

    I have been told many times that I have a great passion for Jesus that is very inspiring. I have also been told it is because I am a new Christian. Many of the Christians I know that have been Christian for a long time seemed to have lost that passion for Christ. I can see how being new into a relationship with Jesus can make a person feel very excited and giddy even. It can make you want to run out and share the Good News with everyone! Like any honeymoon, it does end. No one is going to…

  • Who Is In Control?

    Things in my life lately have seem to go totally out of control. Just a few months ago things were great. I remember thinking that my life was pretty great and I had no real complications going on. I was loving the Lord and all the blessings that He had bestowed upon me. I was happy with my church and my marriage and things were just all around good. I also remember thinking that life is never all good with no bad and that at some point things were going to go south. Isn’t that the way life works though?…

  • Christian Rules

    What does it mean to be a Christian? That is a question I have been pondering quite a bit. And it seems like every Christian has a different definition of what it means. Some people believe that being a Christian is about rule following and a God who is controlling. That is what I thought during my years as a non-believer. And I can see how it is easy to get caught up in thinking that being Christian is all about rules. You could easily perceive the Bible as a big book of rules. But it is not. In ancient…

  • Christmas – The Reason For Hope

    This year was my second Christmas as a Christian. As I have posted before I have always celebrated Christmas by going broke buying presents and enjoying the magic of Santa and all the other Christmas fairy tales that go with it. There are a lot of other things I love about Christmas, such as the lights and the food and the family gatherings, but the center of it all for me was lots of presents and Santa Claus. So when I became Christian I realized I had to completely change my focus on Christmas, if I was going to celebrate…

  • Savior of Mine

    Jesus is Savior. I think it is hard for many people to think they need a savior. It is easy to just live day-to-day and deal with our problems the best we can. We keep our heads down and just keep moving forward, one step at a time. We know that often we fail when we try to solve all of life’s problems on our own, but isn’t that just the way life is? I know I for one do not like to ask for help, and I am guessing I am not alone in this. Maybe it’s a pride…

  • Who Is Jesus

    Who is Jesus? I did not grow up knowing who Jesus was. I vaguely remember seeing a picture of Him, a head shot. He was a white man with long hair, blue eyes, and a white robe. He looked friendly. But that meant nothing to me. Later Jesus was something that I disliked. I still had no idea who He was. He was just that guy who stood for Christianity and everything I hated about it. To me Christianity was oppressive, judgmental and controlling. Just like all religion. So Jesus became nothing more than a swear word to me. I…

  • Blog By Faith

    When I first felt the Holy Spirit moving me to write this blog, I was very excited. I love to write, and I have been writing since I was 13. I began with writing dark poems about my obsession with death. Then I moved into writing short stories and later began to journal as well. Then one day I just stopped. I stopped writing completely. No journaling, poetry, nothing. It was like I was a dried up well. I always felt my poetry was an expression of my inner most self – my soul. I guess it was about a…

  • Praise For My Failures

    As I raised my two oldest sons, I taught them about the things I believe in, naturally. Things like evolution and the Big Bang Theory. That is what I learned in school and I believed it was fact. I also believed Christians stole everything from pagans and I wanted my kids to understand that as well. I didn’t want them falling into any false notions that Christmas had anything to do with Jesus or that Easter was even remotely about God. It was all taken from our ancient pagan roots. I didn’t teach my children about witch craft or magik,…

  • Faith in the Fire

    Coming into Christianity, there is so much to learn! You have to learn about salvation and Jesus, of course. That is number one! But there is so much that goes along with all of that. Even if you took a crash course in Christianity I am pretty sure you would still have a long way to go to understanding the depth of the religion. Take the Holy Trinity for example. Is there really any Christian that truly understands that? Well maybe, but I have yet to understand the concept enough that I could explain it to someone else. For the…