Witchcraft is very deceptive and can manifest itself in our lives in many ways. The enemy uses witchcraft attack to either weaken us, or to bring us into alignment with his kingdom. Each type of witchcraft has a specific purpose and intent. It could be to hinder your walk with God, and the call He has on your life. It could be to weaken your ministry or tear apart your family. It could be to keep you physically weak and distracted, depressed or hopeless. The end game of witchcraft is always to steal, kill and destroy.
Witchcraft can come from different sources. It can come from people who are using their will and intent to cause you harm, or it can come from someone astral traveling to your location to do witchcraft on you. Anyone can do witchcraft, and it is not limited to only witches, etc. Witchcraft is also not limited to the living, but also the souls of the dead who have made a pact with Satan can use astral travel to harass the living with witchcraft.
Witchcraft attack often targets areas that should be protected by the Armor of God. The Armor of God consists of seven pieces, which is the number of completion. Each piece correlates with areas of weakness where we are vulnerable to attack from Satan. Here I have given a brief overview on the Armor, but I will go more in depth into it in a future post.
The Helmet of Salvation protects our belief systems, how we see the world, our mind, including how we think and judge things around us.
The Breastplate of Righteousness protects our heart, will, mind and emotions.
The Belt of Truth protects our thoughts and our self control. It holds the armor together.
The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace protect our relationships, our interactions with self and with others.
The Sword of the Spirit protects our relationship with God, including our worship, praise, scripture reading & understanding and praying.
The Shield of Faith protects our spirit and our spiritual self.
Praying in the Spirit activates our armor and brings us to completeness, as well as heightens our awareness of the Spirit.
Below I have listed the areas we experience witchcraft and the symptoms that may come with it. This is not a complete list, but a list of many of the common effects.
In Your Head
lightheaded, unable to focus or concentrate, fuzzy headed, brain fog
headaches, eye pain, vision blurred, dizziness
forgetfulness, misplacing items, memory loss, scatterbrain
In Your Emotions
depression, hopelessness
suicidal thoughts, hurting oneself
violent thoughts, hurting others
feeling out of control, unable to control feelings
In Your Sleep (which relates to your head, body, emotions and mind)
sleepiness, fatigue even after sleeping 8 hours or more
very hard to wake up from sleep, cannot get out of bed
insomnia, falling asleep and then being woken suddenly
night terrors, nightmares
inability to dream or remember dreams
In Your Relationship With God
disinterest in reading the Bible, unable to pray or worship
angry at God or blaming God
In Your Sexual Life
sexually perverse thoughts, thoughts of adultery,
intense sexual drive, insatiable sexual drive, no sex drive
In Your Body
sick after eating food someone else prepared
nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, heartburn
intense itching, always hurting oneself accidentally
cold symptoms
sickness or disease of all kinds
uncontrollable shaking
In Your Mind
fear of people or places
anxiety, panic attacks
hearing voices
obsessive thoughts
feeling like your going crazy
restless thoughts, inability to control thoughts
addictions of all kinds
binging on food or other addictions
attraction to things of the occult such as movies, objects, games, etc.
In Your Family
chaos, fighting or arguing constantly or for no real reason
inability to have relationships
estranged relationships
In Your Electronic Devices
electronic devices breaking down
hearing strange electronic noises
phones or apps suddenly recording conversations
lights flickering
electronics not working properly or on the fritz
getting shocked often
internet not working, or videos won’t play
important files deleted