• From Surviving To Thriving

    For most of my life I have been just trying to survive. It’s like hanging on to the backĀ of a speedboat that is cruising through the lake at 50 mph. Surviving is something that takes place of true living. You hunker down and wait for the storm to pass, except that it never really does. So you just keep hanging on as tight as you can, and hope that you make it through to the end. At some point in time I got tired of surviving. I didn’t want to just survive life anymore. I wanted to be more than…

  • Making Your Way Out of the Pit

    When you are down in the pit, there is only one way to go: Up. I have been down in the pit for a long time. I’m not sure when I first fell into the pit, but it seems like its been more like a rabbit hole, where I just kept falling and falling, endlessly. It wasn’t until I started doing my inner healingĀ that I finally landed at the bottom of the pit. It was where I had a firm place to land finally, and allow Jesus to bring me into safety. Free falling for my whole life has been…

  • Redeeming My Life From The Pit

    It has been about a year since I began my journey into inner healing. It has been quite a wild ride for me so far. When I first ventured into inner healing, I had no idea what I was even getting myself into. All I knew is that I was tired of being angry and sick and knew that God had made too many promises for me to live a life on victory to keep walking in pain. Yet I had no idea that when I begged God to help me to be better and to be closer to Him,…