When I first came to Christ I was very leery of the idea of sin. For me, sin was something that was used to punish me. I was often told I was a sinner, which was equated to evil, bad, terrible, and holding a one-way ticket to hell. This wasn’t used as a segway into the need for Christ and the mercy and forgiveness He died to give us, it was used as a rod of discipline to keep me in line. The only forgiveness I heard about was being forgiven by obeying the adults in charge of me, and…
As we look back into the Garden at Adam Eve, we can see they were perfectly setup. They had it all. They walked with God daily, all their needs were perfectly met, and they had each other they. They had a purpose and they were living totally unashamed of who they were. Yet when sin crept into the Garden, suddenly none of that was enough. God was no longer enough, and the perfect life He provided for them was not enough. This is the beginning of human discontentment. What caused this discontentment for Adam and Eve? What brought on the…