As I write this it is two days after Halloween, and I am so thankful that the war is over. At least the war coming from those who are angry that I share my testimony about Halloween. As an ex witch and survivor of the occult, there is always going to be a war coming after me, but the war during October just happens to be exceptionally hot. Thank God I made it through with no battle scars or wounds to show. God’s grace kept me breathing on the days where it felt like the world was crashing in around…
As I write this, it is Easter 2016. I came into the Easter season with very little excitement this year. Before I was a Christian, I quite enjoyed Easter. I loved to hide plastic eggs filled with candy for my kids in our backyard. We would spend time the night before filling the eggs and hiding them for the kids, so they would believe the Easter bunny brought them. The kids were always so excited to wake up and see their Easter baskets waiting for them, filled with little goodies and candy. We also put out the night before so…