Today as I drove by the little church in my neighborhood, I just had to read their sign and laugh. They change it up often, usually to something humorous and thought provoking. Today the sign read “Keep Christ in Christianity”. I thought it was going to read something like “Keep Christ in Christmas”, so I was surprised by the statement. Why would a church have to tell Christians to keep Christ in them? I have thought for a very long time about what the definition of Christian is. Many people call themselves Christian, and each one has a different set…
When I first came to Christ, I was a big time sinner. Who isn’t right? It seems like I probably have committed most of the sins there are – drinking, drugs, promiscuous sex, sexual immorality, witchcraft, divorce, adultery, lying, stealing, swearing, taking the Lord’s name as a swear word, blasphemy, hate and violence. Wow! Is there anything else left outside of murder? I’m not really sure. All I know is it was an absolute miracle that I came to God at all. It all started with walking into a Presbyterian church one Sunday morning, after never really have been to…
When I first became Christian about 2.5 years ago I started reading the Bible right away. I have to admit my husband and I didn’t go about it quite the right way. Once we started going to church it took time for God to start helping us make positive changes in our lives. One of those changes that was yet to be made was our addiction to smoking pot. So the first time we actually sat down to read the Bible we were high on pot and tried reading the KJV. As you can imagine it made very little sense to…
Coming into Christianity, there is so much to learn! You have to learn about salvation and Jesus, of course. That is number one! But there is so much that goes along with all of that. Even if you took a crash course in Christianity I am pretty sure you would still have a long way to go to understanding the depth of the religion. Take the Holy Trinity for example. Is there really any Christian that truly understands that? Well maybe, but I have yet to understand the concept enough that I could explain it to someone else. For the…