• How To Step Out Of Denial And Into Freedom

    When I was a new Christian, and completely enamored with Jesus Christ, I was on top of the world. I was doing my best to study the Bible, pray about every decision, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would say I was doing a pretty good job of it too. However, I was still living in a great deal of denial, and it has taken me a long seven years of prayer to finally come out of it. I am not saying that I have been living in complete denial this whole time I have been walking…

  • How To Overcome Witchcraft Attack

    Finding out you are being attacked by witchcraft can be frightening and disturbing in many ways. It may make you feel victimized, or it may make you feel confused, because you don’t understand why you would be attacked in this way. I know when I first realized I was being attacked with witchcraft, I was extremely angry. All my anger was directed at the person or group of people who were attacking me, because I wanted no part in any of it. Not only that, but I felt that I was undeserving of attack, and there was no real reason I…