• How To Step Out Of Denial And Into Freedom

    When I was a new Christian, and completely enamored with Jesus Christ, I was on top of the world. I was doing my best to study the Bible, pray about every decision, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would say I was doing a pretty good job of it too. However, I was still living in a great deal of denial, and it has taken me a long seven years of prayer to finally come out of it. I am not saying that I have been living in complete denial this whole time I have been walking…

  • How To Defeat Depression

    Depression has been something I have lived with for most of my life. Thoughts of hopelessness, despair, and a general sense of purposelessness have overwhelmed me on many occasions. Counseling and prescription drugs never helped me, nor did any other outside source I ever tried. The only relief I have ever found was through the redemptive healing of Jesus Christ in my life. For many, depression is a regular part of your daily life. It can bring about a great swirling cloud of emotions that threaten to take over. Once depression settles in, it is very hard to get out…

  • Redeeming My Life From The Pit

    It has been about a year since I began my journey into inner healing. It has been quite a wild ride for me so far. When I first ventured into inner healing, I had no idea what I was even getting myself into. All I knew is that I was tired of being angry and sick and knew that God had made too many promises for me to live a life on victory to keep walking in pain. Yet I had no idea that when I begged God to help me to be better and to be closer to Him,…