When you are a child living through ritual abuse the people who are programming you are banking on your need to bond to a parental figure and be loved and accepted. This is the foundation for much of the programming that gets put in. God has designed children and parents to have an attachment and it’s a beautiful picture of the heart of the Father for us, but Satan has co-opted it for his purposes. When I was very young I had multiple people who stood in the place of mother and father. They would nurture me and show themselves…
For a long time, my daily brain patterns have been to look for danger or defend myself against anything that might bring pain. I knew nothing else, and looking for things that brought joy or hope was nearly impossible. It was like I was hard-wired to feed off of pain and fear and reject joy. Now after almost 10 years of intensive inner healing, I can finally say I don’t live in daily torment or pain. It’s an incredible thing to be able to say this. I lived in so much pain and suffering that I had no hope of…
It has been a long journey for me to learn to rely on God. When I first became a Christian I wanted nothing more than to have complete surrender to God in every area of my life. I prayed over every decision I made because I didn’t want to take a step in the wrong direction. I wanted to make sure that everything I did was God’s will for my life. What I didn’t realize I was doing was still a part of retaining control. I know that sounds very odd to think that praying and seeking the Lord in…
Long ago, before time began, you received a call to go forth into this world on an assignment from your Papa. He showed you all the obstacles you would face in this world so you would know what you were choosing when you said yes. Some of those things were vile and others were horrific, but still, you said yes. When you were born you have swept away into Babylon, and that is where we live today. I tell you this because the call has come down from on high to leave the trappings of this world in exchange for…
Sometimes being a spiritual being in a physical body can be so difficult. Your body is connected to your emotions, which is your soul, and they can often lead you astray. Especially where pain or pleasure are involved. For me, pain and pleasure have always seemed to be a leading factor in the decision making processes of my life. Is this going to bring me pain or pleasure? Things that bring pain are left for another day and things that bring pleasure are brought to the forefront. Yet seeking pleasure has not been my main agenda, it has actually been…
Sometimes you feel like the weight of your sin is so pervasive it could simply crush you to death. You grapple with it and try to get a firm grip on it to keep you from swallowing you whole, all the while keeping a tenuous hold on life. You let your imaginings run wild with how terribly awful you are and soon enough the sin eats you alive. In order to avoid this horrid mess, you find a quiet place in your mind where you can find peace and rest. You start to believe that you aren’t horrible, but actually…
Today as I write this it is a high Satanic ritual day, and I am once again reminded of the detrimental effects these days have on survivors of ritual abuse. Over the years of healing, I have definitely learned to cope with ritual days better, but I realize that there are many other survivors out there who are truly suffering on these ritual days and they don’t know why. It is no secret that Satan wants to be God and therefore uses every opportunity to counterfeit the things of God for his Kingdom of Darkness. So just as God has…
In my last post, I explained my journey into the Charismatic movement and the profound effect it has had on my life. I am still working through disconnecting from the false belief systems I held and wrestling with other beliefs that have brought a lot of confusion. One of those beliefs is the continued use of the gifts of the Spirit, or what some refer to as the “sign gifts”. These gifts are prophecy, healing, tongues, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge and miracles. All these gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 14:11 as gifts given and empowered by the…
I have written many times about having dissociative personalities and how they become loyal to the occult through Satanic ritual abuse and mind control programming, but what I haven’t talked about is the current struggles I am having that come from the repercussions of my denial. You see, as a new Christian I firmly believed that I was going to be born again of the Spirit of God, and everything that was bad or evil would be washed away. I would be clean and pure in the eyes of God, and that meant all of my occult ties would be…