• Uncovering The False Jesus

    When you are a ritual abuse survivor it is easy to believe that God has forsaken you. When you are in the deepest places of pain and torment, especially as a child, and connected with heinous evil, it feels as though you are completely alone. You will do anything to stop the pain, even to the point of renouncing God. All survivors at some point are forced to renounce Jesus and worship Lucifer in his many forms instead. It is a cataclysmic event that devastates the young mind all while being told you are irredeemable now. These are the things…

  • How Our Thoughts And Beliefs Are Altered Through Mind Control

    When you are a child living through ritual abuse the people who are programming you are banking on your need to bond to a parental figure and be loved and accepted. This is the foundation for much of the programming that gets put in. God has designed children and parents to have an attachment and it’s a beautiful picture of the heart of the Father for us, but Satan has co-opted it for his purposes. When I was very young I had multiple people who stood in the place of mother and father. They would nurture me and show themselves…