• Redeeming Halloween

    As I write this it is two days after Halloween, and I am so thankful that the war is over. At least the war coming from those who are angry that I share my testimony about Halloween. As an ex witch and survivor of the occult, there is always going to be a war coming after me, but the war during October just happens to be exceptionally hot. Thank God I made it through with no battle scars or wounds to show. God’s grace kept me breathing on the days where it felt like the world was crashing in around…

  • I Was Abused In A Satanic Halloween Ritual

    Two years ago, as a brand new Christian, I came to the realization I had to let go of Halloween. As a non-Christian I absolutely loved Halloween. Obsessed really. I loved all things horror and gore, as a matter of fact. Zombies, witches, vampires, you name it. I was fascinated by all of it. We had quite the collection of Halloween decorations sitting in our garage that we had been working on for years. Costumes, skull lights, a severed head, tombstones, body parts, etc. All to make our yard look nice and festive for the Halloween season. It was actually…

  • Halloween and Christianity

    As I write this it is just a few days away from October. Once again I feel great pain in my heart rising up for the many lost souls who will be hurt during this time of year, or who have been hurt and have to try to fight off the memories this season. I am also deeply troubled by the many Christians who will go out and celebrate the darkness when the Light has saved them. This is the season of Halloween, a time when witches and Satanists celebrate a high holy day; a day of death, darkness, and…