Today as I drove by the little church in my neighborhood, I just had to read their sign and laugh. They change it up often, usually to something humorous and thought provoking. Today the sign read “Keep Christ in Christianity”. I thought it was going to read something like “Keep Christ in Christmas”, so I was surprised by the statement. Why would a church have to tell Christians to keep Christ in them? I have thought for a very long time about what the definition of Christian is. Many people call themselves Christian, and each one has a different set…
As a pagan, I had many preconceived notions about what Christianity was or what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and honestly, He was never a thought in my mind. Jesus Christ was a swear word to me. Outside of that, He was either a mythical figure or a historical figure. The guy with the long hair and white robes. I had nothing but disdain for Christians for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately part of that I was taught at the Mormon Church as a child. They do not hold the same…
If you have ever read my testimony, you know that I was once a practicing witch, a drug addict, sexually promiscuous, and completely rebelled against God. As a matter of fact, I used Jesus name as a swear word. I have been told I have an amazing testimony, and have been thanked many times for sharing it. I really love to share my testimony, because it glorifies God and magnifies His wonderful love and commitment to us. I have also been told by other Christians, that they wished they had a “better testimony”. That their testimony was very boring and…
I have been told many times that I have a great passion for Jesus that is very inspiring. I have also been told it is because I am a new Christian. Many of the Christians I know that have been Christian for a long time seemed to have lost that passion for Christ. I can see how being new into a relationship with Jesus can make a person feel very excited and giddy even. It can make you want to run out and share the Good News with everyone! Like any honeymoon, it does end. No one is going to…
Coming into Christianity, there is so much to learn! You have to learn about salvation and Jesus, of course. That is number one! But there is so much that goes along with all of that. Even if you took a crash course in Christianity I am pretty sure you would still have a long way to go to understanding the depth of the religion. Take the Holy Trinity for example. Is there really any Christian that truly understands that? Well maybe, but I have yet to understand the concept enough that I could explain it to someone else. For the…