• Have You Been Indoctrinated Into The Occult?

    Growing up I was not a happy child. I was always very lonely and sad. Yet as an adult I would never have looked back and told you there was something really terrible about my life. For me it seemed pretty average. I had a mom and a dad, as well as a sister. My parents both worked and I went to school every day. I always had a warm home and bed; nice clothes to wear and food on the table. I was never lacking in any of those basics needs. My parents fought a lot and were very…

  • Occult Hidden In The Church

    When I first started to go to church just over three years ago, I had a very distinct idea of what church was. It was a place where the good people go. The people who are perfect and don’t do any wrong. People quite the opposite of me: drug addict, tattooed, ex witch, etc. I knew that everyone was certainly nice and kind and loving. No one had any serious problems because once you became Christian you became perfect. Wrong. It didn’t take long to realize those were all completely fabricated lies that I learned while growing up. There is…