• Uncovering The False Jesus

    When you are a ritual abuse survivor it is easy to believe that God has forsaken you. When you are in the deepest places of pain and torment, especially as a child, and connected with heinous evil, it feels as though you are completely alone. You will do anything to stop the pain, even to the point of renouncing God. All survivors at some point are forced to renounce Jesus and worship Lucifer in his many forms instead. It is a cataclysmic event that devastates the young mind all while being told you are irredeemable now. These are the things…

  • Baal: The False Jesus

    When I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ after years of wandering and feeling lost and alone, I wanted nothing more than to completely turn my life over to Him. I wanted as much direction and guidance as I could get. I prayed about every decision I made just to be sure it was a good one because I knew that the God who created the universe knew the outcome already. I felt sure that with Jesus in my corner I would not continue to make terrible decisions that would hurt me. Unfortunately, I came to realize that seeking…