• How Dead Human Spirits and AI Technology Affect Us Part 3

    People have long held a fascination with ghosts, whether they believe in them or not. In ancient times it was common understanding that spirits of the dead could be summoned. Even a couple hundred years ago, the belief that dead spirits could influence our lives was prevalent worldwide. In our modern times, many people have let go of these so-called superstitious beliefs in favor of a more rational and logical worldview. Ghosts are fiction, not real life. That is exactly what the devil would have us believe, because if we don’t believe dead spirits can harass us, then we will…

  • The Hope In Suffering

    I have always viewed suffering as a terrible thing, and have done everything in my power to escape it for as long as I can remember. Lately, I have to ask myself, why is suffering such a bad thing, something I have been so desperate to escape? According to Romans 5:3-5, suffering is actually a good thing, because it produces endurance, character, and hope. Hope is a confident expectation, not in what we can see, but what is unseen; that is in the coming of the Lord, the salvation we have in Him, and the eternal life we will receive…

  • The Call To Come Out Of Babylon

    Long ago, before time began, you received a call to go forth into this world on an assignment from your Papa. He showed you all the obstacles you would face in this world so you would know what you were choosing when you said yes. Some of those things were vile and others were horrific, but still, you said yes. When you were born you have swept away into Babylon, and that is where we live today. I tell you this because the call has come down from on high to leave the trappings of this world in exchange for…