• Know God, Know Love

    When I first started going to church and learning about Jesus, I, like many others, wanted to have some sort of proof or sign that He was real. My husband prayed and asked God to reveal Himself if He was real, and God answered right away. My 12 year old son also prayed to ask God for a sign that He was real, and got one immediately after. God is so faithful and so good to us. He wants to reveal Himself to us and show us how much He cares for us. Yet when I prayed and asked for…

  • What Is Normal Christianity?

    As a pagan, I had many preconceived notions about what Christianity was or what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and honestly, He was never a thought in my mind. Jesus Christ was a swear word to me. Outside of that, He was either a mythical figure or a historical figure. The guy with the long hair and white robes. I had nothing but disdain for Christians for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately part of that I was taught at the Mormon Church as a child. They do not hold the same…

  • What Worship Means

    Music has always been a huge part of my life. As far back as I can remember I loved to listen to the radio and sing, or make up my own songs. I always participated in school Christmas programs where I would either sing or play bells or something cute when I was very young. As I got older I was in the orchestra at school for six years. Then I took a year of piano and two years of choir. After I graduated high school I bought myself a drum set and taught myself to play. I tried my…

  • Your Sin Does Not Offend God

    When I first came to Christ, I was a big time sinner. Who isn’t right? It seems like I probably have committed most of the sins there are  – drinking, drugs, promiscuous sex, sexual immorality, witchcraft, divorce, adultery, lying, stealing, swearing, taking the Lord’s name as a swear word, blasphemy, hate and violence. Wow! Is there anything else left outside of murder? I’m not really sure. All I know is it was an absolute miracle that I came to God at all. It all started with walking into a Presbyterian church one Sunday morning, after never really have been to…

  • My Journey Of Inner Healing

    If you have been following my blog at all, you know a little about my story and my testimony of how God brought me out of the occult and new age and into His saving Grace. It has been quite a journey for me these past two and a half years! I reached a point in life where I had grown tremendously and felt very happy with my relationship with Jesus. Yet I still had so much anger inside of me, and could not stop taking it out on my husband and children. I had no idea why. I knew…

  • Witchcraft In Mainstream Media

    In my pre-Christian life, I had a fascination with witchcraft and vampires and horror for a long time. I remember being a teen and loving the Dracula movie and the Vampire Lestat books. Witchcraft seemed so romantic and exciting! I often fantasized about meeting a vampire and living forever or becoming a witch. A life of witchcraft and romance sounded amazing, and from the books and movies I saw, it was. This fascination never left me, and even as an adult, the shows on my DVR were shows like The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries and The Following (about a serial killer). I loved these shows…

  • The Magic of Christmas

    I have to admit, I love Christmas and I always have. I have many nostalgic memories of growing up and spending time with my family; which has always been my favorite part.  I always felt Christmas was a magical time and I wanted very much to believe that Santa and his reindeer were real. I was completely enchanted by the magic of Christmas: Santa travelling the whole world in one night to deliver presents, reindeer that could fly, waking up to a Christmas tree with presents spilling from underneath it and stockings full of candy, that magically appeared over night.…

  • Can A Christian Have Demons?

    The topic of demons seems to be quite controversial among Christians, which is very surprising considering that the Bible mentions demons 70 times. If you believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, then you should believe that demons and demonic oppression are very real and something that every Christian needs to learn about. The Bible makes it clear that we have a very real enemy – Satan. He is out to get us and he starts when we are young. He will not go easy on us because we are little; he will pull out all of…

  • Is Christmas A Pagan Holiday?

    I grew up in a home where we celebrated a “traditional” Christmas every year. My parents and I would go into the hills and cut down a tree at a Christmas tree farm. We would bring it home and put it in the Christmas tree stand and then decorate it with glass ornaments, tinsel, colored lights, and a star at the top. We would meet with my grandparents and other extended family and share a meal and exchange gifts. My dad would put on a record of old Christmas music and I would sing along. My sister and I would wake…

  • Finding Intimacy with Jesus

    When I first gave my life over to God I was learning so much about Jesus Christ and who He is. I had heard the term “having a personal relationship with Jesus” but I wasn’t really sure what that meant. How can you have a relationship with someone you can’t actually see or hear? It was very confusing to me. Yet my heart cried out for more of God. I wanted desperately to be able to see and hear Him and know Him on a personal level. I didn’t see how that was even possible. That is until I had…