There are 3 levels in the second heaven constructed as follows: It is made clear throughout the Bible that there are multiple heavens. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 In the Bible we are told there are three separate heavens. The Highest Heaven, or Third Heaven is where the Throne of God is. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know – God knows 2 Cor 2 :12 “But…
Alternate personalities or dissociative identities are born in order to manage certain behaviors, experiences and feelings. Each alter can function either independently of one another, or in conjunction with others. Alters can be unaware of the inside system of parts, or that it is even a part of a body. Many alters actually live outside of the body, having traveled to second heaven. Each alter is created for a specific purpose. An alter can be created through ritual abuse trauma, but also through other childhood traumas. Getting lost, abuse, neglect, death of a loved one and other such traumas can…
Mind control programming is the ability to control and/or manipulate a persons thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions through implanted subconscious level coded instructions via subatomic devices. Mind control programming is placed by suggestions to the subconscious mind during a traumatic event. The programmer then creates pathways into the inner lobe of the brain in order to access the deepest recesses of the subconscious mind. This is where encoded instructions are kept and reinforced through visual, sensational, and autonomic hyper stimulation. Once these instructions are encoded into the brain, and the pathways are formed through trauma, constant reinforcement is set up…
Recently I have been struggling with taking my thoughts captive. I have allowed certain thoughts to really have their way within my mind, gathering power as they roll around, over and over again. Sometimes it’s just very easy to allow thoughts to get a foothold in our mind and not even realize that it is something that needs to be addressed and not allowed to grow. As I was letting my negative thoughts take hold one morning during my prayer time I realized, this is exactly how strongholds begin within us. Strongholds start in our thoughts and lead to belief…
Hearing the voice of God is something that I think everyone struggles with at one point or another. For some it may seem like a distant promise that can’t really take root in their lives, for others it may be a very real part of their lives. I know I have struggled with this very issue myself, many times. According to scripture, everyone has the ability to hear the voice of God. We see this reflected in many verses in both the Old and New Testaments. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John…
How many times have you looked around the world and wondered why a good God would allow so much evil? Or how terrible things happen to good people? Surely a God of love would never allow these things. This is a common thought that many people have, which leads them away from Christ and into a pit of lies created in hell. If God is Sovereign, but the world is evil, then it looks like God is either evil Himself, or completely impotent to change it. What we don’t understand is that we are not looking at the world from…
As a non believer, I was a firm believer in karma. Karma was very similar to the law of three fold in the Wiccan beliefs that I firmly believed in. Karma says, you get what you deserve, and the law of three fold says, you get what you deserve back three times. Either way, I held in my heart the knowledge that the universe was holding each of us accountable to our behavior, and those that did wrong would pay a high price for it. With those thoughts in mind, I surely had no intention to do wrong. As a…
Recently I have really been striving to understand the truth about peace. As I go through my inner healing process and gain more and more freedom from the bondage of the occult, I find myself more and more on the receiving end of attack. As the attack came, I found myself overwhelmed by the scope of it. In the midst of the war, I found it hard to make Christ my dwelling place and home. Yet as I cried out for peace from God one morning, I heard Him say “I am your peace.” When we think of the word…
For most of my life I have been just trying to survive. It’s like hanging on to the back of a speedboat that is cruising through the lake at 50 mph. Surviving is something that takes place of true living. You hunker down and wait for the storm to pass, except that it never really does. So you just keep hanging on as tight as you can, and hope that you make it through to the end. At some point in time I got tired of surviving. I didn’t want to just survive life anymore. I wanted to be more than…
Last week I wrote a post about forgiveness, and I would like to follow it up with a post on how to forgive. Learning to forgive can be quite difficult for some people. It can seem as though forgiving someone is excusing every bad thing they have done to you. However, that is not how the Lord sees forgiveness. Jesus came to set us free from oppression and death, and when we hold on to unforgiveness, we are holding on to the very things that strive to keep us in bondage. For I consider that the sufferings of this present…