I cannot tell you what a long and wild ride I have been on lately, and today I feel like I have finally made it to the other side. When I first came to Christ six years ago I had no idea the journey I was about to embark on. I thought I was just going to have that good Christian life I had read about, and things were finally going to be easy for me. And in a sense, things were easier than they had been. I had been fighting an uphill battle for years without Christ, so to…
I have always thought of myself as a “good person”, meaning, the kind of person who never intentionally sets out to harm others or do anything wrong. The kind of person that strives to be a better person and make the world a better place. So when I found out that my whole world has been precariously balanced on a web of witchcraft and lies, it threw me completely off balance. I mean, dizzy and unable to function, off balance. At first, I didn’t realize why I was so dizzy all the time. I thought perhaps it was a spiritual…
When I was five years old I willingly gave my life over, body, mind, and soul, to Lucifer. Now you might wonder how a five-year-old child could understand what it means to give themselves wholly over to the devil, but believe me when I tell you it took more torture than I can ever describe here on this blog for my free will to choose him. It was truly a matter of life or death, and when you have spent your meager life choosing between more pain or less pain, you begin to choose the lesser of two evils. It…
I would never say I am a particularly strong or brave person, as some might think. It might seem that because I openly tell my story on a worldwide platform that I am both of those things, but I would say I am neither. All my strength comes from the Lord, as corny as that may sound to some, but it’s true. I haven’t endured the hardships of my life because I am strong, but because Jesus carried me through. He gave me a fighting chance to live through the harshest of circumstances so I would live to see another…
Jesus told me two weeks ago He was doing a new thing in me, and it was all I could hold onto to keep pressing forward. There are some days life feels impossible and some days I feel peace. Yesterday was one of those days I felt so overwhelmed because I did not understand what Jesus was asking me to do. When He said “I am doing a new thing inside of you and you will never be the same”, I envisioned enormous changes to my inner system of parts, that would reflect this new me on the outside. Unfortunately,…
I am taking a much-needed break this week, but I will be back next week with my regular posting schedule. I have had a very rough couple of weeks, but this verse has really helped me a lot. I know we all have moments where it all feels too much to bear, but we have to believe our Heavenly Father is with us through all of it, keeping us from the brunt of it and protecting those we love. Hold fast and stay strong, my beautiful brothers and sisters. Much Love Beth The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall…
I have talked in the past about yoga and how through satanic rituals it was used to connect me to cosmic beings, otherwise known as fallen angels. Recently I have found more connections and the trigger to uncovering this hidden knowledge was going to the gym. My husband and I had a gym membership a couple of years ago at a place that had a great kids program. Because we were homeschooling we felt it was a great outlet for the kids. There was an incident where the kids were forced to participate in kids yoga, however, but after informing…
I remember the first time my husband and I took our family to a Christian church like it was yesterday. I was February of 2013, and it was Super Bowl Sunday. I was absolutely taken away by the love of God that day, and I went from a God-hating pagan to a woman devoted to Jesus Christ in a matter of months. We quickly fell in step with the Christian life: we began attending church weekly, as well as Bible studies and a life group. My husband and I were baptized and became members a few months later. The church…
Ever since I became a Christian and learned about the spiritual war raging around us, I have become very aware of the part I am playing in it. At first, I realized that just being a Christian was enough for the devil to attack me, then I realized I simply needed to be a human being on earth. When I started this blog I realized that just talking about my testimony would bring attack, and when I started to come to terms with being a survivor of ritual abuse, well just getting free from the occult is a huge deal…
From the time of Adam and Eve fallen angels have been given ruling dominion over the earth. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit they broke their covenant with God and made a new covenant with death. This covenant allowed the fallen angels dominion over all the earth, which they split up into sections or territories. Each fallen angel has become the ruling entity over their territory or region, allowing for a continual sacrifice of the people. In every story of old, every myth or fable that tells the tales of gods lies a truth about the fallen angels. These…