• How I Live With Dissociative Identities

    I have Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID, the same thing as Multiple Personality Disorder. I have lived with it all of my life and had no idea I had it. Many people, like me, have a dissociative disorder and live normal lives and have no idea they have one. They may struggle with many problems in life, but they rationalize all their problems away and learn to cope and deal with life on a daily basis. Dissociation is a process in where a person disconnects from themselves in order to deal with trauma. It is completely normal and anyone who…

  • How To Survive Being A Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse

    Being a survivor of Satanic ritual abuse is one of the most difficult things I have had to come to grips with. It has been a cause of great stress, frustration, confusion, and even depression. I have had to struggle to understand how to fit into a world that denies my experience as reality, and how to navigate through deep pain. Some days I am just fine. I feel great, I’m connecting with Jesus, and fully functioning. Other days I’m a miserable wreck. I’m angry or depressed or both. I get extremely oppressed and can’t think straight. It’s all I…

  • Praying Through Scripture Against Spiritual Attack

    As a survivor of the occult, I have to pray against spiritual attack and witchcraft on a daily basis. When you have been involved in the occult on any level, whether it was your personal involvement or that of a family member, it can open you up to great spiritual attack, especially if you are in the process of disconnecting with the occult, or are trying to deepen your relationship with Jesus. The more freedom you encounter the harder the retaliation can come. The devil does not want you to be free. He wants to keep you captive in any…

  • Human Spirits And Astral Attack

      I have addressed the topic of human spirits several times in this ministry, yet as I continue to grow and learn I uncover new information. For those of you that don’t know, a human spirit is a fragmented alter of a human soul that astral travels through the universe. It is not the actual spirit of a person as the name implies. During trauma, the human mind can become fractured, splitting to create separate parts or pieces of the unconscious mind. These parts hold all the trauma and memory of the traumatic event that created it. Sometimes these parts…

  • Baal: The False Jesus

    When I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ after years of wandering and feeling lost and alone, I wanted nothing more than to completely turn my life over to Him. I wanted as much direction and guidance as I could get. I prayed about every decision I made just to be sure it was a good one because I knew that the God who created the universe knew the outcome already. I felt sure that with Jesus in my corner I would not continue to make terrible decisions that would hurt me. Unfortunately, I came to realize that seeking…

  • God Is A Woman: Feminism And The Antichrist Agenda

    When I was growing up as a young girl in the 80’s, feminism had just come to a peak, changing social attitudes and laws regarding the way women are seen and treated. It was a great time for women to be whatever they wanted to be, whether that meant to have a career and a family, climb the corporate ladder, or have sex with whomever you wanted, women were enjoying of liberation from their oppression. The Sexual Revolution meant women could have sex and be a sexual being without being objectified and used by men. More so, women could turn…

  • When Tragedy Strikes

    When personal tragedy strikes, it can be very easy to be so overcome with grief and anger that it can block out the truth about God. I have seen it happen many times, even in my own life. As a matter of fact, the devil counts on using tragedy to steal us away. I have been working diligently to overcome the trauma of my past for almost four years now. Through it all Jesus has blessed me abundantly, by taking my hand and walking me through this life. He has renewed me in so many ways, yet it has been…

  • Victory In Christ

    Hope is our life line, connecting us to God Most High. When you have hope you feel like nothing could ever bring you down. Yet when you lose hope you feel like you have a lead weight tied to your ankle and you are sinking to the bottom of the sea. We absolutely can’t live without hope. It anchors our soul and brings us a depth of truth that keeps us afloat in a world filled with pain and chaos at every turn. That is why when I lost sight of my hope, my life began to fall back into…

  • Christ: Our Living Sacrifice

    When I lived for the occult, my pain was always greater than my joy. I lived in urgent expectancy of punishment, discipline, and death on a daily basis. There was no such thing as grace or mercy unless you fully obeyed, and even then the only mercy I received was temporary relief from the torment I was under. Every decision I was used to making was under duress because my only option was worship Lucifer or die. How can anyone, let alone a child, make a free will decision in those dire circumstances? Yet still, the more power they offered…

  • A Psalm of Worship

    Rejoice! All the earth, for the Lord of Hosts, draws near! He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords There is no one in all the earth like my God! My soul draws nigh to Him in jubilant exaltation! How I long to be near the Living God. He is my hope, my freedom, and my salvation; the light of my life.   I have seen the depths of decay and despair, I have touched the hem of deaths garments. I have borne witness to terror and known keenly the mind of fractured disarray; but my God…