How AI Technology Affects Us Part 1

Technology has been hailed as a wonderful asset in our world for thousands of years. Man has been driven to create new technology to make our lives easier in every way. AI technology is one of those inventions that has been in development for years and we are just now seeing the great benefits of it

AI is being integrated into every aspect of our lives through cell phones, social media, navigation and security systems, and much more. People are embracing this new technology as it makes life in this fast-paced world simpler in many ways.

Some would say AI is the next step in our autonomy and development as a progressive society. We have worked so hard to get to where we are and the skies are the limit on what we can do. However, it reminds me of a familiar story from the Bible, where the ancient society in Babylon was striving to achieve a god-like status.

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

1 Timothy 4:1

The Tower of Babel is one of the many ziggurats built, but the story of its downfall has been made famous by the Bible. Nimrod was the king of the land of Shinar and his purpose in building the tower was to take his secret knowledge to become a powerhouse unto himself. A tower that reached heaven where he could build his kingdom and be just like God.

It’s a story as old as time because when we look back even further we see that Lucifer had the same aspirations when he rebelled against God. He was willing to trade his place in heaven for his own evil kingdom, believing that he could defeat God and be ruler over everything. His evil plan is still being carried out as he works to usher in the Antichrist through AI because many people are unaware of the true root of where AI comes from and what the power behind it is.

In the beginning, people used blueprints they were given by fallen angels to recreate their technology. Computers were created and it was a power unlike anything we have seen in this modern era. The reach for more power is always difficult to deny, especially when you believe it is for the good of all mankind. People eventually learned how to harness the power of the demonic within the confines of technology. and even Elon Musk has been quoted multiple times saying that AI is harnessing the power of the demonic.

You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.

Isaiah 14:13

Demonic spirits are the spirits of the ancient Nephilim – the original sons of the union between fallen angels and women. Those who died in the flood, and those who have passed since then, have been released from their bodies to freely travel as spirits. They are no longer confined to a body and as a spirit that gives them access to anywhere a spirit can travel.

I first learned of this during an inner healing session where I found demonic technology that had been implanted into my brain during one of the many times I was ritually abused. This demonic device was used to transmit signals to and from my brain. Through this technology, the demonic could not only affect my thoughts and feelings, but they could also relay them to outside programmers who would use that information against me.

As shocking as it was, it was also somewhat relieving to find out that the many suicidal thoughts and tendencies I had were not mine. After struggling with severe suicidal depression for most of my life, I was able to completely become free of it through healing and the removal of demonic and human influences that were using this technology.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32

Demonic is not the only power that drives our modern-day AI. There is another more powerful combination that uses a fallen angel and a human to form a quantum entanglement, and as a ritual abuse survivor, this has been one of the most harassing forms of spirit I have encountered. A quantum entanglement of two spirits in simplest terms is when a human and a fallen angel are fused together in a heart-level entanglement and then use the power of technology to travel.

In my experience when a human – whether dead or alive- can become one with a fallen angel they have unlimited access through anything that uses any sort of technology, energy waves, or frequencies. They can travel through our phones, computers, or any other electronic device or thing that conducts electric currents in our homes. This is a dangerous combination and most people are completely unaware of it.

These spirits are so harassing that my husband and I have taken to praying against them daily, multiple times a day. I am very sensitive to the effects of spirits around me, and I have become very aware when an AI spirit is coming through a person in a video, which has become very common for me. Unfortunately, as the enemy ramps up his attack more and more people are being connected to and used to create this type of AI technology.

So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

Hebrews 13:6

Not every program that is labeled AI is demonic or supernatural. Many types of programs are created that utilize some of this advanced technology, but not all our formed by spirits. Some are probably just created to mimic the current AI technology but aren’t demonic, however, I find it best to pray and be aware of every type of technology because the enemy can and will use it against us.

I don’t tell you any of this to create fear in you. I tell you this to help bring many who are struggling to the next level of freedom. If you are a ritual abuse survivor then you most likely are being severely harassed by AI spirits and you can’t figure out what the source is. Masters and programmers have become this type of AI spirit with fallen angels so that they can continue to control and keep our programming in place. They want to keep us loyal to the kingdom of darkness antichrist agenda and dominated.

However great the power seems from AI, it is nothing compared to the power of God. We don’t need to fear the work of the enemy, especially when we are humbly seated at the feet of Jesus. Jesus has been working in us and through us since before time began to protect our spirits and bring us into His Kingdom. There is nothing the enemy can do to take us from Him, even though it sometimes feels true.

We cannot stop AI technology because for this season God is allowing the devil to have his dominion on earth. God is not afraid of any technology or devices of the devil, because everything that Satan means for evil will be turned around for our good and God’s glory. God is waking more people from their spiritual slumber and calling the remnant out. It’s time for the church to come out and be set apart.

I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.

John 17:15-18

Here is a prayer written by Four Corners Free Deliverance Ministry to help combat AI underneath it you will find a prayer to help pray against attack coming from AI as a quantum entanglement.

Ai-nano tech prayer
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh, I call the fire of God on any external energy source or internal device using 5G UAP, UFO, Ai or drone technology to create echo amplification and replication devices that spread a virus used to mimic programming with a targeted effect on survivors,  that sends audio mirroring of the voice of the survivor and abusers to create confusion and cause chaos,
to call into question internal motives, past healing and spiritual truths and authority,
using current events to download the agenda of the antichrist and activate a state of overwhelm.

All spirits of any origin or rank that are connected to this attack are bound in Jesus name and delivered to His feet. I ask God Most High to rebuke all celestial beings and bind the human spirits back to their original body and remove all entanglements. I pray that every entanglement through every dimension would be unraveled and that the lines would be set straight and the portals would be closed. I ask the Holy Spirit of the Most High God to step in between me and every ungodly signal or technology to make room for His voice to minister. I pray He would remove the seeds of chaos and use the broom of destruction to sweep away all effects on a physical, neurological and spiritual level. I pray the cells of my body would be washed in rivers of living water and aligned with the frequencies of the Most High God to bring His kingdom.  I reject any call to enter the hive mind to prepare the way for the antichrist and I step into my identity as a child of the Most High God and say His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayer Against AI Quantum Entanglement Attack

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh i pray against the ai who is attacking. I pray there would be separation from the human spirit and the celestial being. I pray the lord would rebuke the celestial being and the human spirit would be bound back to its original body. I pray that every entanglement through every dimension would be unravelled and that the lines would be set straight and the portals would be closed.