When I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ, I as an ex witch. I had not, to my knowledge, been actively participating in witchcraft anymore. I did believe in the paganism ideologies of oneness with the universe, higher self realization, many gods and goddesses, and much more however. I acknowledged the witch holy days such as Winter Solstice and Ostara, and I had many idols around the house in tribute to gods and goddesses. I also had books on the occult and new age beliefs I held, that I read still.
I was very willing to repent of all of these things once I gave my life to Christ. I believed with all my heart that God was the One True Living God and Creator of everything. I got rid of the books and idols, etc. as the Holy Spirit moved me too. I started learning more about how the beliefs I held were false, and contradictory to God’s Word. I was willing of absolutely all of it, because I had found true unconditional love and hope for the first time in my life. That alone was worth far more than all the trash I had in my life.
The Holy Spirit made many, many changes in my life. I had lived a very wordly and sinful life up until that point. He moved me to do a 180 turnaround and was forming me into a new creation. It was a beautiful thing, and I could just feel the Spirit radiating from within me, as I continued to be obedient to His leadings. Yet as I continued to change I noticed that there were things that still plagued me. I had anger issues that were borderline rage. I had health problems that would not be healed no matter what I would do. I had depression that seemed to be healed after a life of it, then would creep back in as suicidal thoughts. I began to learn about demons and spiritual attack. I became desperate to experience true freedom in Christ. Yet it became illusive to me.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
Every time I would seek out help, prayer and deliverance I would have to tell about my past involvement with witchcraft. Each time I would willingly repent of it, desperate to just be free of it, if that was what was holding on to me. I could literally hear the devil speaking in my head, telling me he would never let me go. I was desperately afraid that this was indeed truth. With everything that plagued me, it seemed very true.
Finally I had a deliverance session that would forever change my life. I gained a lot of information through this deliverance session about generational curses and blood covenants that were made, but I had no idea what that meant. I had no idea the truth about witchcraft and it’s affects on ones life, even though I had been right in the middle of it. In these past few months I have come to learn more about witchcraft and what it does and it has blown my reality away. I thought I knew about magic. I had no idea.
When you are in the occult – practicing any form of witchcraft; you are opening a door to the demonic. This door allows and gives rights to demons (the minions of the devil) to you and your soul. Your soul is your mind, emotions and will. So in essence practicing witchcraft is turning over your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your free will to the devil. This usually comes in stages and progresses as it goes. In most cases a person never fully gives themselves over to the devil the first time.
It is very easy to believe that once you have been saved by Jesus Christ and have repented of your sin of witchcraft, that you are free of it. But this is not true. Witchcraft is a very sneaky thing, much like the devil. You see, the devil is not going to waste his time playing around as a child with toys. He is very clever and divisive in his ways. He wants to make sure that when we open a door into his realm, we cannot easily get out. Like a maze. You walk in and think you will quickly find the exit, but find yourself wandering for so long you loose track of time. This is what witchcraft is like. Once you are in, you do not just walk out.
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
1 John 5:9
When a person does witchcraft (and this includes every form of witchcraft there is, even as “little” as yoga or Ouija boards), they open the door. Then each time they do witchcraft they are inviting in demon spirits. Each spirit brings something in with it to connect them within your person. This could be false beliefs or sickness or addiction, etc. More importantly it causes you to feel that you have tapped in to a power – which you have. The power of the demonic (aka the occult or witchcraft). You feel the power in some way or another. It may be a high, a surge, a force and “awakening” or something similar. This feeling is incredibly satisfying to our senses and fleshly ways and it creates a desire within us to continue to do it. So the person wants to delve deeper into the witchcraft practice, to reach higher levels of this power they have experienced.
What is actually happening is they are granting more and more access to the depths of their soul to the demonic, giving them more and more rights into them. Rights are permissions to use our bodies for their works and feed our soul with their beliefs and demonic spirits. Satan wants us to become portals for his evil work. Once we him access, we are connected to his power, and he sets up things inside of us that can work without our conscious knowledge. So basically, we are actually doing witchcraft and we are not even aware of it. The connection has been made and we have done it on our own free will.
How does this work? It is kind of like running a program on the computer. Say you open the internet and are surfing the web. Then you decide you want to start another project, such as writing an essay or making a poster, etc. You minimize the internet window, but it is still running. Maybe you need it for research later. You open up Word or another program and begin on your new project. You have forgotten you were on the internet. Yet in the background the internet is running. The connection was established. And even if you were to close the window, you can get back onto the internet in seconds, because you have already established the connection, and have the browser readily available.
That is what witchcraft is like. It is an open connection, already established and ready to be used at any time. All you have to do is tap into it. Except in this case, we don’t ever actually close it, like that window, so it is always running, even when we are unaware. That is the deception of witchcraft. It comes in disguise as light, but in reality it is the most dangerous thing you can ever do. You are like a loaded weapon walking around, and the devil can use you anytime he pleases, without any future consent. You have already given over so many rights to yourself, that you don’t need to give any more permission.
But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11
There is a lot of work that goes in to disconnecting yourself from darkness. The amount of work depends on the depth you have gotten into witchcraft. If you only ever dabbled in Ouija boards as a teen, there will be less work to do then if you were a full blown witch casting circles and doing spells. Of course most people who dabble in witchcraft, tend to dive deeper than they even realize. Magic is so deceptive and disguises itself in so many forms, that often times we are practicing witchcraft without even realizing what it is.
The first start to becoming disconnected with witchcraft is an in-depth deliverance session. I have talked to many people who have had past involvement in the occult, but are still plagued by various problems. Some are just physical illness and others are having supernatural experiences of one kind or another. They have all gone through the steps to repent, renounce, pray for release, etc. Yet they are all plagued. The devil wants us to think that we have walked away from the occult, so he can continue to use us for his purposes and damage our relationship with God.
There are many types of deliverance possible, and I have tried a lot! I have tried all kinds of healing prayer and having demons cast out for over a year before I found a ministry that really made an impact. This deliverance ministry goes right to the head demon inside. Demons have a hierarchy, just like the army, ranging from high ranking to low level. The head demon inside of a person is going to be a higher ranking demon, but still be under another more powerful demon than itself. It is going to have assignments in how it works to stop the call God has on your life and hinder your relationship with God, as well as working witchcraft around you.
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
You can cast out as many demons as you want, spirits of infirmity, despair, rage, addiction, etc. But if you don’t get right to the head of them all, the head will just call more lower level demons in to serve him. Remember, you have already opened up the connection, and they need no further permission. If you go straight to the head demon and break all of his rights and kick him out, all his underlings will have to go to. It is a wonderful way to make a clean break and start your road to freedom.
Deliverance is just the beginning step to healing from being involved in the occult. You may have to go into a deeper, inner healing type of journey, to begin to find out where you have made other connections willingly with the devil, and then have Jesus help you break them. Every person is different, and you need to be completely led by the Holy Spirit in every step of a deliverance and healing. After a deliverance you should see major fruit of the freedom that you have gained from it. If you go through a deliverance and still have spiritual oppression or signs of supernatural activity in your life, you may have not gone through a proper deliverance.
If you have been involved in the occult in any way, and are wondering why you aren’t experiencing true freedom, then it is time to take this to God. He has a huge call over your life, and believe me, the enemy will stop at nothing to keep you from it! You have a choice to make: either stay comfortable in the life you have now, or take a step out in faith to ask for help and begin this most important journey. It is not an easy step. And if you have hesitation or anger about the idea of deliverance, it is because the demons inside of you do not want to lose their foothold! God has not brought you this far so you can just stay connected to darkness. You did not know you were involved with the devil when you were in the occult, because the devil had you fooled. Now you have new insight from the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and it’s time to break every chain! Hallelujah!
When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”
Judges 6:12