• Witchcraft & Idolatry: A Self Examination

    I have come a long way in my journey of healing my self-hatred, but no matter how far I come I can’t seem to leave it behind. So I am left asking myself: what is it about self-hatred that I subconsciously believe is helping me? The answer I came up with is my self-hatred is actually rooted in hatred for God. That might seem really horrifying to some, but if I don’t confront these deeply hidden roots inside of me, I will continue to live them out. If I don’t examine myself and find what in my heart is still…

  • How To Overcome Witchcraft Attack

    Finding out you are being attacked by witchcraft can be frightening and disturbing in many ways. It may make you feel victimized, or it may make you feel confused, because you don’t understand why you would be attacked in this way. I know when I first realized I was being attacked with witchcraft, I was extremely angry. All my anger was directed at the person or group of people who were attacking me, because I wanted no part in any of it. Not only that, but I felt that I was undeserving of attack, and there was no real reason I…

  • The Effects of Witchcraft Attack

    Witchcraft is very deceptive and can manifest itself in our lives in many ways. The enemy uses witchcraft attack to either weaken us, or to bring us into alignment with his kingdom. Each type of witchcraft has a specific purpose and intent. It could be to hinder your walk with God, and the call He has on your life. It could be to weaken your ministry or tear apart your family. It could be to keep you physically weak and distracted, depressed or hopeless. The end game of witchcraft is always to steal, kill and destroy. Witchcraft can come from…

  • Rebellion & Witchcraft: The Enemy Of Our Soul

    When I first came to Christ, almost four years ago, I firmly believed witchcraft was a part of my past. I had not, to my knowledge, practiced any witchcraft in years. I was no longer in rebellion to God, but full submission. From what I understood about witchcraft, it was being at the altar, chanting spells or performing rituals. It was an act of worship to the gods and goddesses, that required specific items, words, movements, etc. What I did not understand was that is only a small part of what witchcraft actually is. It took me two years of…

  • What Is Witchcraft?

    When I was a teenager, I was absolutely fascinated with vampires and witches. I used to watch any shows I could about the subjects, such as Sabrina The Teenage Witch or Teen Witch, and I would devour whole book series, such as The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. There was nothing more exciting and romantic than the prospect of falling in love with some hunky vampire and becoming one, or even better, wielding the power of witchcraft myself. These shows and books painted a picture that a teen girl could easily become enraptured with, especially one who desired to escape…

  • Witchcraft In Mainstream Media

    In my pre-Christian life, I had a fascination with witchcraft and vampires and horror for a long time. I remember being a teen and loving the Dracula movie and the Vampire Lestat books. Witchcraft seemed so romantic and exciting! I often fantasized about meeting a vampire and living forever or becoming a witch. A life of witchcraft and romance sounded amazing, and from the books and movies I saw, it was. This fascination never left me, and even as an adult, the shows on my DVR were shows like The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries and The Following (about a serial killer). I loved these shows…