• Revealing God’s Character

    It has taken me quite some time to begin to understand God’s character. When I grew up, I was not taught the truth about God, or about who Jesus Christ is. I began to believe that God was a distant God, who was mean and judgmental. I also believed that Jesus was not God, but a man. A man that did horrible things to hurt me. I lost trust in God, and wanted nothing to do with a God that would hurt me, abandon me, and leave me to suffer mercilessly. So that is the image of God that was…

  • Learning To Follow Jesus

    Ever since I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ, I have been very concerned about following what He wants me to do. I have made it a point to always pray before making any big decisions, or even any decisions that were going to have any real impact on my life. As a matter of fact, I was even afraid of making wrong decisions because I didn’t want to either make God mad, or make a wrong move that would allow hardship to enter my life. I wanted to fully rely on God to the best of my ability…

  • Recognizing The Voice of God

    When I first came into a relationship with Jesus Christ, I wasn’t really sure how it was supposed to work. I was a little hesitant about praying, and whether or not I could do it. I had a lot of reservations about the whole thing. I mean, does God really listen to us? Can we really hear the voice of God? It seems there are so many people in the world, and when I first decided to take a step into talking to God I wasn’t sure He would be available for little old sinner me. I mean, who am…

  • Know God, Know Love

    When I first started going to church and learning about Jesus, I, like many others, wanted to have some sort of proof or sign that He was real. My husband prayed and asked God to reveal Himself if He was real, and God answered right away. My 12 year old son also prayed to ask God for a sign that He was real, and got one immediately after. God is so faithful and so good to us. He wants to reveal Himself to us and show us how much He cares for us. Yet when I prayed and asked for…

  • What Is Normal Christianity?

    As a pagan, I had many preconceived notions about what Christianity was or what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and honestly, He was never a thought in my mind. Jesus Christ was a swear word to me. Outside of that, He was either a mythical figure or a historical figure. The guy with the long hair and white robes. I had nothing but disdain for Christians for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately part of that I was taught at the Mormon Church as a child. They do not hold the same…

  • Your Sin Does Not Offend God

    When I first came to Christ, I was a big time sinner. Who isn’t right? It seems like I probably have committed most of the sins there are  – drinking, drugs, promiscuous sex, sexual immorality, witchcraft, divorce, adultery, lying, stealing, swearing, taking the Lord’s name as a swear word, blasphemy, hate and violence. Wow! Is there anything else left outside of murder? I’m not really sure. All I know is it was an absolute miracle that I came to God at all. It all started with walking into a Presbyterian church one Sunday morning, after never really have been to…

  • Finding Intimacy with Jesus

    When I first gave my life over to God I was learning so much about Jesus Christ and who He is. I had heard the term “having a personal relationship with Jesus” but I wasn’t really sure what that meant. How can you have a relationship with someone you can’t actually see or hear? It was very confusing to me. Yet my heart cried out for more of God. I wanted desperately to be able to see and hear Him and know Him on a personal level. I didn’t see how that was even possible. That is until I had…

  • All Consuming Love of God

    Have you ever felt alone? Unloved? Unworthy? I know I have. I have many moments in life when I felt I was not only unloved, but unlovable. I wanted to be loved, but never felt that I could measure up to being good enough to be loved. I wanted desperately to feel approval from my parents, but never did. I wanted to know that I was valuable and important to someone, but no matter how many times my husband told me I was, I could never believe it. I wanted to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful and…

  • God In A Box

    What do you really know about God? Everyone has their own concept about who or what they think God is, even if they don’t believe in God. The idea of God is so pervasive in our culture that you must have formed some opinion on what God is. Some believe God is a story or that Jesus is a historical figure. Some believe that God was active in ancient times, but no longer a part of our lives. Some believe God is love, and accepting of everyone just as they are. Some believe God is an angry God, who punishes people.…

  • Impossible Love

    Have you ever had your world turned upside down for love? Have you ever loved someone so much that it inspired you to become a better person? Has there ever been someone so special in your life that you were willing to give up everything for them, because they were just worth it? I have. Let me tell you about it. He is the most beautiful man I have ever met. He is compassionate, loving, gracious, kind, and so forgiving. As a matter of fact, no matter how awful I am (and I can be pretty awful) he always forgives…