When I look back on the story of my life, it can be really easy for me to get caught up in feeling like I am a victim. I have had a hard life that has been fraught with so much pain and suffering, and sometimes it honestly feels as though that is all there is for me in this world. I have had many days where I have felt absolutely defeated and hopeless, and cannot see any point to my life whatsoever. Yet isn’t that exactly what the devil would have me believe? Isn’t that what he has worked…
I have written many times about having dissociative personalities and how they become loyal to the occult through Satanic ritual abuse and mind control programming, but what I haven’t talked about is the current struggles I am having that come from the repercussions of my denial. You see, as a new Christian I firmly believed that I was going to be born again of the Spirit of God, and everything that was bad or evil would be washed away. I would be clean and pure in the eyes of God, and that meant all of my occult ties would be…
As I write this it is two days after Halloween, and I am so thankful that the war is over. At least the war coming from those who are angry that I share my testimony about Halloween. As an ex witch and survivor of the occult, there is always going to be a war coming after me, but the war during October just happens to be exceptionally hot. Thank God I made it through with no battle scars or wounds to show. God’s grace kept me breathing on the days where it felt like the world was crashing in around…
Two years ago, as a brand new Christian, I came to the realization I had to let go of Halloween. As a non-Christian I absolutely loved Halloween. Obsessed really. I loved all things horror and gore, as a matter of fact. Zombies, witches, vampires, you name it. I was fascinated by all of it. We had quite the collection of Halloween decorations sitting in our garage that we had been working on for years. Costumes, skull lights, a severed head, tombstones, body parts, etc. All to make our yard look nice and festive for the Halloween season. It was actually…
As I write this it is just a few days away from October. Once again I feel great pain in my heart rising up for the many lost souls who will be hurt during this time of year, or who have been hurt and have to try to fight off the memories this season. I am also deeply troubled by the many Christians who will go out and celebrate the darkness when the Light has saved them. This is the season of Halloween, a time when witches and Satanists celebrate a high holy day; a day of death, darkness, and…
Have you ever watched or listened to Christians who seem to have a perfect life? They don’t seem to have any major problems but they have all the solutions for yours. Or they came from a place with major strongholds but are now in a place of freedom from them and they can now tell you their formula for success. You might wonder how these Christians have come to such a place of strength when you have desperately tried every avenue to seek help with no change. You have tried giving all your problems to God, meditating on scripture, praying…
We give the devil a foothold into our lives many times without even realizing it. Giving the devil a foothold means that we are giving the enemy legal ground to stand on to enter into our lives or our bodies. We don’t want to give the devil a foothold into any areas of our lives, because when we do we are allowing demons into our bodies, and opening up portals for human spirits. As I have grown closer to Jesus and have freed more areas of my soul I have become very sensitive to the enemy attacks. When I am…
Last summer I had the amazing opportunity to encounter a deliverance ministry that would forever change my life. I did not know much about deliverance, although I had attempted it several times before, either on my own or through the help of others who prayed for me. I had no idea deliverance was even something important or necessary in my life. I only knew that spiritually things were wrong and something had to change. It took me over a year of research to even understand the concept of deliverance and why it was important, but it was not until my…
Astral travel or astral projection is when a part of your soul leaves the body to travel through the astral plane. The astral plane is compromised of a series of electromagnetic ley lines that interconnect throughout the universe to create a magnetic field of travel. Because our bodies use electricity to run the body, it is easy for our souls to use these electromagnetic ley lines to travel on. Electromagnetic fields are everywhere, including cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, power lines, and electrical wiring, making the places a person can astral travel almost limitless. This means a person can astral…
I am on a break this week, but I want to share this post from 2016. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 As a pagan, I had many preconceived notions about what Christianity was or what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and honestly, He was never a thought in my mind. Jesus Christ was a swear word to me. Outside of that, He was either a mythical figure or a historical figure. The guy with the long hair and white robes. I had nothing but disdain for Christians for as long as I…