When God created us before time, He created us first as a spirit. God breathed us into beingĀ and we had a life before we had a body or soul. It’s not until God forms us in the womb that we develop a soul and body. Yet once we are born into this physical world we don’t remember the spiritual world. Our spirits are waiting to be renewed and brought back to life again in Christ. During the time we live without Christ, we allow our souls, or our flesh, to dominate our lives. We followed the prince of the power…
Many of us suffer from an identity crisis. We have completely forgotten our Biblical identity. We take up the identity of the enemy because we believe his lies over God’s truth. We also take on identity from the roles we play in this life. Parent, spouse, friend, co-worker, business owner, etc. become our identity instead of who God actually says we are. None of the roles we play or jobs we hold define us, they are simply one small facet of who we are. When we use shame, pain, or self-hate to define ourselves, we are agreeing with the devil…
Worship is one of the most important parts of who we are. God created us to worship Him, and it is our highest calling. However, when a person refuses to worship the God that created them, they become idolators. Being an idolator doesn’t need to be put into categories of good or bad, wrong or right. Idolatry should instead be looked at through the lens of unnatural and unhealthy. When a person idolizes things or people instead of God, they are putting themselves into a harmful position, by opening up doorways to the occult giving a foothold to the devil.…
Many people wonder what call God has on their lives. What does God want them to do? Some people already feel certain they are called to be pastors or leaders, servants or mothers. Everyone who is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has been called, but what exactly have they been called to do? Let’s start first by understanding what a call from God is. Is it hearing that still small voice of God actually calling you into a line of work? Is it a feeling or pull in a certain direction? When we look to God’s Word, here…
Over the years Jesus has done miraculous healing after miraculous healing in my life. I have seen redemption in so many ways, and recently I have been so thankful for how undeniable redemption has become. For years I believed I would never again be able to step into a church because the occult loyal alters in me would always reach out to the occult power in the church. Most churches seem to have a hidden coven within them, and attending church seemed to just fuel the darkness within me. Church after church I attended felt like torment as I was…
This past week has been very trying for me as I learn to navigate through extreme trauma triggers. The other day was my birthday, which I expected to be difficult. All ritual abuse survivors have been abused repeatedly on their birthdays, and so even if you have come to a place of freedom from physical rituals, you still have to battle through the spiritual aspect of it. Not only does the spiritual attack from astral rituals and human spirit harassment come into play, but also dealing with the emotional trauma of abuse that was perpetrated repeatedly. Even if you don’t…
Many days we feel the pressure of the enemies attack against us and it feels so overwhelming. There is only one thing that can overcome all the attacks from the devil, as well as all mind-control programming. I have found the more I heal from the emotional and spiritual wounds of my past, the more effect proclaiming the Word of God has over the trials I am currently in. In the past, I struggled to see any difference the Word of God made when I proclaimed it, but that was only because I was unable to see what Jesus was…
I have spent many years in deep suffering and pain and during that suffering, I have believed that God was allowing it to happen. He didn’t hear my prayers or my pleas for help. So many times I prayed and begged Jesus to help me, yet no relief came. I believed God had abandoned me and I hated Him for it. I think many people, Christians, and non-Christians alike go through periods of feeling abandoned by God. The question is why does it seem so often that God does not hear us or answer our prayers? Has He really left…
I have struggled with the concept of sin for a very long time. You see, when I heard sin I hear “evil” and “bad”. I have not been able to separate being evil or bad from being a sinner. I could not understand the true concept of sin and it has held me back from God for a long time. When I was a child, my family and the other occult members that abused me, used the Bible and God’s Word against me. So words like sin and hell were reserved for times when I was disobeying and were used…
I know there are many people who are struggling right now with feelings of despair, confusion, and rage against the horrible things they have had to endure. You may be thinking, where is God in all of this? Why would He allow such things to happen to me? To anyone? I have wrestled with these exact same questions myself and I am here to tell you how God is indeed right in the midst of it with you, according to His Word. God did not allow this to happen to you God never allows evil, He allows free will…