• The Hope In Suffering

    I have always viewed suffering as a terrible thing, and have done everything in my power to escape it for as long as I can remember. Lately, I have to ask myself, why is suffering such a bad thing, something I have been so desperate to escape? According to Romans 5:3-5, suffering is actually a good thing, because it produces endurance, character, and hope. Hope is a confident expectation, not in what we can see, but what is unseen; that is in the coming of the Lord, the salvation we have in Him, and the eternal life we will receive…

  • How To Step Out Of Denial And Into Freedom

    When I was a new Christian, and completely enamored with Jesus Christ, I was on top of the world. I was doing my best to study the Bible, pray about every decision, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would say I was doing a pretty good job of it too. However, I was still living in a great deal of denial, and it has taken me a long seven years of prayer to finally come out of it. I am not saying that I have been living in complete denial this whole time I have been walking…

  • A Prayer To Lift Oppression

    This is a prayer to lift oppression that I use to help me when I am heavily oppressed. It will remove oppressing spirits and engage your free will in worship. It can be prayed as often as necessary. I command every person, spirit, entity, and being whether natural or supernatural to leave my mind, body, soul, spirit, home, property, spouse, and children right now in Jesus’ name. I revoke all rights and permissions and access I have granted to (give the Holy Spirit a moment to bring any specific names to mind, please do not hesitate to name them no…

  • All Things New

    Two years ago, in the midst of the despair in my suffering, Jesus spoke to me saying “I am making all things new”, and He gave me this verse: Behold, I am doing a new thing;     now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness     and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 I wanted to believe Him. I needed to believe Him, and I held on to that promise choosing to hope in something that looked utterly impossible. Yet as the days, weeks, and months passed by, I never saw a change…

  • The Call To Come Out Of Babylon

    Long ago, before time began, you received a call to go forth into this world on an assignment from your Papa. He showed you all the obstacles you would face in this world so you would know what you were choosing when you said yes. Some of those things were vile and others were horrific, but still, you said yes. When you were born you have swept away into Babylon, and that is where we live today. I tell you this because the call has come down from on high to leave the trappings of this world in exchange for…

  • The Blessing Of Brokenness

    Sometimes being a spiritual being in a physical body can be so difficult. Your body is connected to your emotions, which is your soul, and they can often lead you astray. Especially where pain or pleasure are involved. For me, pain and pleasure have always seemed to be a leading factor in the decision making processes of my life. Is this going to bring me pain or pleasure? Things that bring pain are left for another day and things that bring pleasure are brought to the forefront. Yet seeking pleasure has not been my main agenda, it has actually been…

  • A Warning For America

    I have written a lot about mind control programming and how it affects each of us daily. I have also written about the importance of reconnecting our spirit with the Spirit of God in order to break off the veil of programming laid over us at birth. With the Presidential election here, there is no better time for me to talk about the Patriotic Programming that has been sewn into each American at birth. The purpose of patriotic programming is to connect us with the spirit of the Antichrist. We see a parallel in today’s America with Nazi Germany. The…

  • The Other Side of Darkness

    Sometimes you feel like the weight of your sin is so pervasive it could simply crush you to death. You grapple with it and try to get a firm grip on it to keep you from swallowing you whole, all the while keeping a tenuous hold on life. You let your imaginings run wild with how terribly awful you are and soon enough the sin eats you alive. In order to avoid this horrid mess, you find a quiet place in your mind where you can find peace and rest. You start to believe that you aren’t horrible, but actually…

  • Ungodly Sorrow And Suffering

    Suffering comes in many forms and for me, it has always come from the deep emotional pain of shame and regret. I have harbored for many years the shame and regret of most of my sin, yet instead of confronting it as I should, I continued to bury it deep in the recesses of my psyche. Not to say I was ever without excuse because truth be told the sin of participating in the sacrificial murder of one’s own offspring through satanic rituals when you are merely a child is not a sin of one’s own making. It is a…