• Conformed To This World

    Yesterday I had the most amazing experience. As I was driving I was praying and worshiping God. The sky was bright and the clouds were painted across it. The world felt alive and it was as if heaven itself had opened up and was signing praises to God. I was filled with a sense of awe, reverence and love. In that moment I knew that God was literally everywhere. Then I realized, this is exactly what is going on around us, every day, every minute. All of creation sings to us the glory of its Creator. God pours out His…

  • Embracing Modesty

    I have never been one to think much about modesty. As a young adult and on I pretty much-loved to dress to show off my body. I loved showing lots of cleavage and leg and accentuating my butt. It made me feel sexy and I loved the attention. I didn’t care what other women thought, or if they were upset or jealous. It was all about me and it felt good. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 For most of my life…

  • God In A Box

    What do you really know about God? Everyone has their own concept about who or what they think God is, even if they don’t believe in God. The idea of God is so pervasive in our culture that you must have formed some opinion on what God is. Some believe God is a story or that Jesus is a historical figure. Some believe that God was active in ancient times, but no longer a part of our lives. Some believe God is love, and accepting of everyone just as they are. Some believe God is an angry God, who punishes people.…

  • The Seduction of Magic

    There is a battle waging for your soul, right in this very moment. Whether you have any idea at all, there is an enemy lurking in your life, and pitting the powers of hell against you. Sounds crazy, huh? Yeah, I would have thought so too a few years ago. As a matter of fact, I did not even believe in Hell or the Devil. That is exactly what he wanted though. To convince me that all the lies he spun in my mind were true. Once I became a Christian I started to read the Bible. And the Bible…

  • Satan Has No Power

    During your life God will let you experience things so that you can learn a lesson. Like the loving Father He is, He has to let us struggle through things so we can gain wisdom and understanding that we otherwise would not have. Sometimes it is the life experiences that teach us the most, when we would not have listened to His instruction for our lives. Other times we want something so bad, that we just have to have it to see it was not what we thought it would be. Indeed, it was not actually even good for us. I have heard the question asked…

  • Sin Deconstructed

    Once upon a time there was a young man whose purity was virtuous and true. For no other man in the whole land had made a vow to hold onto his purity until marriage, as he had. All the young women coveted this precious gift he had left, because they had all given up their rights of virtue and the keys to their kingdoms long ago. When they saw such a young man who was so valiant and pure, they wept loudly and mourned openly. For who else would make such a wonderful husband as this man? Who would take…

  • Fear of the Dark

    When I was a child, I was deathly afraid of the dark. My room always seemed to be pitch black, even with a tiny little Cabbage Patch Kids night light I had for a time. When I would go to bed, I would try very hard to turn off the light without getting off of my bed. I even had a back scratcher at one point to try to hit the light switch off. Anytime I had to turn off the light before getting into bed, I would immediately run and jump onto my bed as fast as I could,…

  • The Righteous King: A Parable

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was a beautiful little girl, with long golden locks. She was very quiet and shy and always kept to herself. This little girl was the daughter of a king. The most powerful and righteous king that ever lived. He was the most loved and feared king in all the land. All of his subjects worshiped him and adored him, and all of his enemies hated him and cursed his name. The king loved his daughter more than his own life. He adorned her with beautiful garments and jewels and delighted…

  • Impossible Love

    Have you ever had your world turned upside down for love? Have you ever loved someone so much that it inspired you to become a better person? Has there ever been someone so special in your life that you were willing to give up everything for them, because they were just worth it? I have. Let me tell you about it. He is the most beautiful man I have ever met. He is compassionate, loving, gracious, kind, and so forgiving. As a matter of fact, no matter how awful I am (and I can be pretty awful) he always forgives…

  • The Light of Life

    Does your life seem to be in chaos? Is your energy drained, leaving you with nothing left to give? Are you always angry or frustrated and feel like your spinning in too many directions at once? Then let me ask you this: when is the last time you sat still in the presence of your Savior? As the deer pants for streams of water,  so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people…