• Joy Of The Lord

    Joy of the Lord is something that has been elusive to me as of late. As I have been going through my journey of inner healing, I have been receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit about severe and extreme abuse that I have endured from the hands of those that loved me most: My parents, grandmother and my “family” at the Mormon church I grew up in. This has been a devastating blow to me, because I have suppressed this for most of my life. The abuse was satanic in nature. It was ritualistic. It was pure evil. I have…

  • The Ex Witch And The Occult Connection

    When I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ, I as an ex witch. I had not, to my knowledge, been actively participating in witchcraft anymore. I did believe in the paganism ideologies of oneness with the universe, higher self realization, many gods and goddesses, and much more however. I acknowledged the witch holy days such as Winter Solstice and Ostara, and I had many idols around the house in tribute to gods and goddesses. I also had books on the occult and new age beliefs I held, that I read still. I was very willing to repent of all…

  • How To Deal With Pain And Anger

    I have been going through hell lately. It’s been over half of a year now since I began a journey into discovering why I have had a life filled with intense pain. I had gotten to the point where I felt much better than I ever had, because Jesus unconditional love and saving grace had brought me transformation. Yet I discovered that as time went on, I wasn’t doing as well as I thought I was. After the initial transformation (which was huge) I started to decline. Don’t get me wrong – all the changes the Holy Spirit inspired me…

  • Are Tattoos Blood Rituals?

    I was very excited to get my first tattoo. It was my eighteenth birthday and my best friend had offered to pay for it as a gift. I had been looking forward to getting a tattoo for quite some time! To me it was a symbol of who I am and of my freedom. She even picked out a place for us to go and have it done. I was a little leery when she drove me out to a part of town I didn’t know very well and it didn’t look very nice. This was about 20 years ago…

  • Occult Hidden In Our Society

    I know many people who believe that the world of the occult is limited to those who do witchcraft or magic, such as witches and satanists. They believe that they are not influenced by the occult in any way, and are safe from it. They celebrate satanic holy days such as Halloween, believing there is no harm in it. They watch television shows about witches and read books about magic and feel there is no involvement with the occult in these practices. However, the fact is that the occult is actually hidden in so much of the media and movies…

  • Know God, Know Love

    When I first started going to church and learning about Jesus, I, like many others, wanted to have some sort of proof or sign that He was real. My husband prayed and asked God to reveal Himself if He was real, and God answered right away. My 12 year old son also prayed to ask God for a sign that He was real, and got one immediately after. God is so faithful and so good to us. He wants to reveal Himself to us and show us how much He cares for us. Yet when I prayed and asked for…

  • What Is Normal Christianity?

    As a pagan, I had many preconceived notions about what Christianity was or what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and honestly, He was never a thought in my mind. Jesus Christ was a swear word to me. Outside of that, He was either a mythical figure or a historical figure. The guy with the long hair and white robes. I had nothing but disdain for Christians for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately part of that I was taught at the Mormon Church as a child. They do not hold the same…

  • What Worship Means

    Music has always been a huge part of my life. As far back as I can remember I loved to listen to the radio and sing, or make up my own songs. I always participated in school Christmas programs where I would either sing or play bells or something cute when I was very young. As I got older I was in the orchestra at school for six years. Then I took a year of piano and two years of choir. After I graduated high school I bought myself a drum set and taught myself to play. I tried my…

  • Your Sin Does Not Offend God

    When I first came to Christ, I was a big time sinner. Who isn’t right? It seems like I probably have committed most of the sins there are  – drinking, drugs, promiscuous sex, sexual immorality, witchcraft, divorce, adultery, lying, stealing, swearing, taking the Lord’s name as a swear word, blasphemy, hate and violence. Wow! Is there anything else left outside of murder? I’m not really sure. All I know is it was an absolute miracle that I came to God at all. It all started with walking into a Presbyterian church one Sunday morning, after never really have been to…

  • My Journey Of Inner Healing

    If you have been following my blog at all, you know a little about my story and my testimony of how God brought me out of the occult and new age and into His saving Grace. It has been quite a journey for me these past two and a half years! I reached a point in life where I had grown tremendously and felt very happy with my relationship with Jesus. Yet I still had so much anger inside of me, and could not stop taking it out on my husband and children. I had no idea why. I knew…