One year ago on Halloween I had my first real experience where I understood what human spirits are, and I wrote my first post about them. Before that the concept of human spirits and astral travel was still so new to me. I had a very vague understanding of what human spirits were and how they worked. Here I am a year later, and my knowledge and understanding have grown immensely. There is very little information on human spirits available today, and so I would like to share some of what I know, in order to help educate those who are…
For most of my life I have held a view of God as mean, distant, judging and condemning, harsh, cruel and hateful. It is the reason I hated Christianity so much. It was the reason I spent a season as an atheist, and it’s the reason I turned to witchcraft. The way we view God is a filter for how we view everything. If we see God as cruel, then we begin to see the world as a terrible place. If we see God as distant, then we begin to suffer in our relationships with others. If we see God…
It has taken me quite some time to begin to understand God’s character. When I grew up, I was not taught the truth about God, or about who Jesus Christ is. I began to believe that God was a distant God, who was mean and judgmental. I also believed that Jesus was not God, but a man. A man that did horrible things to hurt me. I lost trust in God, and wanted nothing to do with a God that would hurt me, abandon me, and leave me to suffer mercilessly. So that is the image of God that was…
What is satanic ritual abuse? Satanic ritual abuse is when an innocent victim is forced to take part in a satanic ritual. These victims can be any age, race or gender. Usually during the satanic rituals the victim goes under some sort of physical, emotional or sexual trauma. There are many in this world who would believe that this sort of thing never happens. Then there are others who would believe this only happens in “satanic churches” or other such evil places. All would most definitely assume that it would never happen right in their own neighborhood, by people they…
It has been about a year since I began my journey into inner healing. It has been quite a wild ride for me so far. When I first ventured into inner healing, I had no idea what I was even getting myself into. All I knew is that I was tired of being angry and sick and knew that God had made too many promises for me to live a life on victory to keep walking in pain. Yet I had no idea that when I begged God to help me to be better and to be closer to Him,…
When I was in my late teens, early twenties, I was very interested in learning more about connecting with myself and finding myself. I wanted to find out about deeper and higher levels of consciousness, so I could connect with who I truly was. I wanted to connect with the universe and the power that it held. I knew it was a part of who I was and that through this connection I could find the answers to life’s greatest questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Why was I born? During this time I did a lot of searching…
When I first started to go to church just over three years ago, I had a very distinct idea of what church was. It was a place where the good people go. The people who are perfect and don’t do any wrong. People quite the opposite of me: drug addict, tattooed, ex witch, etc. I knew that everyone was certainly nice and kind and loving. No one had any serious problems because once you became Christian you became perfect. Wrong. It didn’t take long to realize those were all completely fabricated lies that I learned while growing up. There is…
Ever since I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ, I have been very concerned about following what He wants me to do. I have made it a point to always pray before making any big decisions, or even any decisions that were going to have any real impact on my life. As a matter of fact, I was even afraid of making wrong decisions because I didn’t want to either make God mad, or make a wrong move that would allow hardship to enter my life. I wanted to fully rely on God to the best of my ability…
When I first gave my life to God, three years ago it was after a few months of searching and questioning Him for what was true. I had many doubts about if the Bible was true, or how could there have been a flood, or how could God have created everything in 7 days? God was so patient with me, and so kind when showing me the answers. He showed me truth in ways that not only blew my mind, but opened me up more to who He is. When I finally realized that God is indeed the One True…
I have always had a high discernment for the voice of God, and often times can communicate with Him very easily. I have had many times where I hear His voice and I obey (whether I argue about it first or not is another story) and I have had many times where I could ask Him a question and hear His answer easily. I do not hear God speak audibly, but I hear Him speak in my mind. It took some time for me to grow discernment to know God’s voice apart from others, and a big part of that…