• Is Easter Satanic? Ex Witch Reveals The Truth

    I have celebrated Easter my entire life. The family traditions of Easter baskets filled with candy and toys were something I looked forward to every year as a child. As I got older and began having children of my own, I relished in starting my own family traditions. When my kids were old enough I would help them dye boiled eggs and I would carefully pick out special treats and toys to fill up their Easter baskets. I would even hide plastic eggs filled with candy in the yard, and tell my kids the Easter Bunny put them there. I…

  • The Human Soul And Free Will: God’s Design

    Before we were born, before the foundations of the earth were laid, and before time even was, we were with God.  We are not here on earth by accident or by God’s cruel intentions. We are not just lost and waiting for someone to come save us. We are spirits, created by by God; but God did not create our spirits at the moment of conception. He created our spirits and prepared us beforehand to come here to the earth to fulfill the plans He has for each of us. He chose each of us according to His will to…

  • How To Overcome Witchcraft Attack

    Finding out you are being attacked by witchcraft can be frightening and disturbing in many ways. It may make you feel victimized, or it may make you feel confused, because you don’t understand why you would be attacked in this way. I know when I first realized I was being attacked with witchcraft, I was extremely angry. All my anger was directed at the person or group of people who were attacking me, because I wanted no part in any of it. Not only that, but I felt that I was undeserving of attack, and there was no real reason I…

  • The Effects of Witchcraft Attack

    Witchcraft is very deceptive and can manifest itself in our lives in many ways. The enemy uses witchcraft attack to either weaken us, or to bring us into alignment with his kingdom. Each type of witchcraft has a specific purpose and intent. It could be to hinder your walk with God, and the call He has on your life. It could be to weaken your ministry or tear apart your family. It could be to keep you physically weak and distracted, depressed or hopeless. The end game of witchcraft is always to steal, kill and destroy. Witchcraft can come from…

  • Your Purpose And Call For The Kingdom of God

    Before the beginning of life as we know it, we were one with the Father. We made our home in Him, as we awaited the time when we would be called. Each of our spirits was joyful and full of love in heaven, expectantly awaiting what lie ahead of us. The chance to choose to come here to earth to fulfill your purpose. The purpose that God created us for, and the reason why we are here. Each person on this earth is here for a specific reason and purpose. We have been called out by God, chosen by Him,…

  • Praying In Tongues vs Speaking In Tongues: A Biblical Guide

    When I first learned how to pray in tongues, I was really unaware that it was a form of prayer. All I knew about tongues is that it was a heavenly language from God that I could not understand. I did not realize that there was a difference between speaking in tongues and praying in tongues. So I naturally assumed that all tongues was speaking in tongues. The gift began to form in me naturally, and allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me in this gift. Many people seem to have a fear of the gift of tongues, so I decided…

  • Rebellion & Witchcraft: The Enemy Of Our Soul

    When I first came to Christ, almost four years ago, I firmly believed witchcraft was a part of my past. I had not, to my knowledge, practiced any witchcraft in years. I was no longer in rebellion to God, but full submission. From what I understood about witchcraft, it was being at the altar, chanting spells or performing rituals. It was an act of worship to the gods and goddesses, that required specific items, words, movements, etc. What I did not understand was that is only a small part of what witchcraft actually is. It took me two years of…

  • Gateway To My Soul

    It is so easy to feel overwhelmed, like the weight of the war is simply going to crush your soul. There are times when I am attacked relentlessly for days at a time. There is no break, except to just throw myself into complete denial. The enemy is very decisive in his plans against me, and uses many ways to try to torment me. Recently I have had a long battle with a physical problem; my eyes. Not my eye sight, but with my eyes becoming swollen, itchy, red, watery and painful. Basically my eyes were showing signs of allergic…

  • God’s Promise For The Broken Hearted

    As I have been walking through my journey of inner healing  I have had a lot of difficult days. When I have my inner healing session every week, the Holy Spirit always helps me to recall memories that have been blocked out of my conscious mind due to severe trauma. The purpose for this is to continue to break off rights that were given to me through these satanic rituals, which I brought me continued oppression and allowed me to live in false beliefs. These false beliefs have wreaked havoc in my soul for my entire life. For instance, the beliefs…

  • Encouragement For The Battle Weary

    Today was a very difficult day for me. The minute I woke up I felt the pressure over my head squeezing me and began to pray. I tried to go through my normal morning routines, but before long my youngest two sons were out of control. They were screaming at each other, insulting each other, threatening violence against each each other, and even talking about wanting to die. I was barely able to hold it together. I was shaking on the inside, trying the best I could to not completely fall apart. I could get no discernment on why I…