• Identity In Christ

    How many times have you looked around the world and wondered why a good God would allow so much evil? Or how terrible things happen to good people? Surely a God of love would never allow these things. This is a common thought that many people have, which leads them away from Christ and into a pit of lies created in hell. If God is Sovereign, but the world is evil, then it looks like God is either evil Himself, or completely impotent to change it. What we don’t understand is that we are not looking at the world from…

  • Karma: Finding The Path To Grace

    As a non believer, I was a firm believer in karma. Karma was very similar to the law of three fold in the Wiccan beliefs that I firmly believed in. Karma says, you get what you deserve, and the law of three fold says, you get what you deserve back three times. Either way, I held in my heart the knowledge that the universe was holding each of us accountable to our behavior, and those that did wrong would pay a high price for it. With those thoughts in mind, I surely had no intention to do wrong. As a…

  • Finding Peace In The Midst Of A Chaotic World

    Recently I have really been striving to understand the truth about peace. As I go through my inner healing process and gain more and more freedom from the bondage of the occult, I find myself more and more on the receiving end of attack. As the attack came, I found myself overwhelmed by the scope of it. In the midst of the war, I found it hard to make Christ my dwelling place and home. Yet as I cried out for peace from God one morning, I heard Him say “I am your peace.” When we think of the word…

  • From Surviving To Thriving

    For most of my life I have been just trying to survive. It’s like hanging on to the backĀ of a speedboat that is cruising through the lake at 50 mph. Surviving is something that takes place of true living. You hunker down and wait for the storm to pass, except that it never really does. So you just keep hanging on as tight as you can, and hope that you make it through to the end. At some point in time I got tired of surviving. I didn’t want to just survive life anymore. I wanted to be more than…

  • How To Forgive: Steps To Freedom From Pain And Shame

    Last week I wrote a post about forgiveness, and I would like to follow it up with a post on how to forgive. Learning to forgive can be quite difficult for some people. It can seem as though forgiving someone is excusing every bad thing they have done to you. However, that is not how the Lord sees forgiveness. Jesus came to set us free from oppression and death, and when we hold on to unforgiveness, we are holding on to the very things that strive to keep us in bondage. For I consider that the sufferings of this present…

  • The Power of Forgiveness

    Forgiveness has been something that I have struggled with all of my life. From the time I was born, I was being physically and sexually abused by my family and at the Mormon Church. I grew up feeling worthless and abandoned; constantly lied to and betrayed. I was beaten down for having gifts from God to see and talk to Him, and was taught that I was generally stupid and altogether evil. All these things shaped the core of who I was. Instead of growing into a tender young girl who loved the Lord, and wanted to help and serve…

  • Armor Of God: How It Protects You, Piece By Piece

    The Armor of God is an important part in the Christian walk of faith. It is described not only as a valuable asset against the schemes of the enemy, but also for faith, truth, righteousness, peace and prayer. When we put on the full Armor of God, we are putting on the strength and might of the Lord Himself. In this world we are up against rulers and authorities of the Second Heaven, and only through the power of God are we able to fight against them. Each piece of the armor correlates with areas of weakness and where we…

  • Hope In The Fiery Trials of Life

    We all go through seasons in life. Some up and some down. Some good and some trying. God is always with us through all of them, no matter what. However, sometimes it really seems like He is much farther away than at other times. Sometimes it seems that He is completely silent when we need Him most. I have had many hard days in my life when I was very sure God was very far away. The circumstances of my life and the suffering I was enduring was a clear indicator that God no longer cared about me. I think…

  • Making Your Way Out of the Pit

    When you are down in the pit, there is only one way to go: Up. I have been down in the pit for a long time. I’m not sure when I first fell into the pit, but it seems like its been more like a rabbit hole, where I just kept falling and falling, endlessly. It wasn’t until I started doing my inner healingĀ that I finally landed at the bottom of the pit. It was where I had a firm place to land finally, and allow Jesus to bring me into safety. Free falling for my whole life has been…

  • The Most Important Sign That You Need Deliverance

    When I first became a Christian, I had never even heard the term ‘deliverance’. I had no idea what it was, and I had no idea that Christians could even have demons. Once I had a firm foothold on the basics of Christianity, I knew I was a good Christian. I went to Bible Studies every week, got baptized, joined a church and did all the right things. I made sure to get rid of everything from the occult I had from my past and repented of all of my involvement with it. I was certain I was doing really…