• How To Defeat Depression

    Depression has been something I have lived with for most of my life. Thoughts of hopelessness, despair, and a general sense of purposelessness have overwhelmed me on many occasions. Counseling and prescription drugs never helped me, nor did any other outside source I ever tried. The only relief I have ever found was through the redemptive healing of Jesus Christ in my life. For many, depression is a regular part of your daily life. It can bring about a great swirling cloud of emotions that threaten to take over. Once depression settles in, it is very hard to get out…

  • How To Live The Good Life In Christ

    Having a good life is something we all want. No one wants to experience, fear, pain or struggles in this world. Often times when we come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, we believe that those are things that we should be able to leave behind. Being a Christian should raise us to a new way of living that is free from sin and it’s effects. Unfortunately, that is not the way life works. Since the beginning of time, life has been a struggle. Ever since the moment when Adam and Eve chose to partner with Lucifer in the Garden…

  • How To Know God’s Will For Your Life?

    How many times have you wondered, ‘What is God’s will for me?’ or ‘How can I find God’s will in this matter?’ I think we all at some point in time come to a place where we want to know if we are doing God’s will or following God’s plan for our lives. It might be because we want to please Him, or it might be out of fear. Whatever our motive is, anyone who loves God at some point wants to know His will. Yet so many of us struggle with how we can know God’s will. It seems…

  • The Pull of Mind Control Programming During The Holiday Season

    This past season has been terribly difficult for me. We jumped right out of Halloween, a time of terror for me, right into Christmas, a time where the mind control programming is overwhelming for me. It all started with Black Friday. Black Friday actually lasts about four days, as the frenzy of shopping the sales extends into Cyber Monday. If you have ever been out during Black Friday, or have been caught up in it yourself, then you have seen the power of its grip over people. Without realizing it, you have intense urges to buy. The sales are too…

  • The Anti Christ Agenda In The Christian Church: Satanic Illuminati Part 4

    The Christian church is where Baphomet has chosen to set up his throne. Baphomet is the embodiment of the Luciferian/Anti Christ agenda, and most likely represents Lucifer himself. The Christian church is the perfect place for the Anti Christ to set his throne and make his reign, because it is the place that is least likely and least suspected. It is also the place where he has easily hidden it for thousands of years. Starting in the Middle Ages, the Christian church began removing the Word of God from the hands of the public and reconfigured the seat of authority…

  • Second Heaven Exposed! The Inner Workings Of Satan’s Domain: Satanic Illuminati Part 3

    There are 3 levels in the second heaven constructed as follows:   It is made clear throughout the Bible that there are multiple heavens. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 In the Bible we are told there are three separate heavens. The Highest Heaven, or Third Heaven is where the Throne of God is.  I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know – God knows 2 Cor 2 :12 “But…

  • Alternate Personalities And Trauma Based Mind Control: Satanic Illuminati Part 2

    Alternate personalities or dissociative identities are born in order to manage certain behaviors, experiences and feelings. Each alter can function either independently of one another, or in conjunction with others. Alters can be unaware of the inside system of parts, or that it is even a part of a body. Many alters actually live outside of the body, having traveled to second heaven. Each alter is created for a specific purpose. An alter can be created through ritual abuse trauma, but also through other childhood traumas. Getting lost, abuse, neglect, death of a loved one and other such traumas can…

  • How Mind Control Programming Affects Us All: Satanic Illuminati Part 1

    Mind control programming is the ability to control and/or manipulate a persons thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions through implanted subconscious level coded instructions via subatomic devices. Mind control programming is placed by suggestions to the subconscious mind during a traumatic event. The programmer then creates pathways into the inner lobe of the brain in order to access the deepest recesses of the subconscious mind. This is where encoded instructions are kept and reinforced through visual, sensational, and autonomic hyper stimulation. Once these instructions are encoded into the brain, and the pathways are formed through trauma, constant reinforcement is set up…

  • Breaking Spiritual Strongholds

    Recently I have been struggling with taking my thoughts captive. I have allowed certain thoughts to really have their way within my mind, gathering power as they roll around, over and over again. Sometimes it’s just very easy to allow thoughts to get a foothold in our mind and not even realize that it is something that needs to be addressed and not allowed to grow. As I was letting my negative thoughts take hold one morning during my prayer time I realized, this is exactly how strongholds begin within us. Strongholds start in our thoughts and lead to belief…

  • Hearing The Voice Of God

    Hearing the voice of God is something that I think everyone struggles with at one point or another. For some it may seem like a distant promise that can’t really take root in their lives, for others it may be a very real part of their lives. I know I have struggled with this very issue myself, many times. According to scripture, everyone has the ability to hear the voice of God. We see this reflected in many verses in both the Old and New Testaments. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John…