• Is God Punishing You?

    How many times have you wondered if God was punishing you? Maybe something bad happens in your life or your prayers aren’t being answered. Maybe you see the tribulation around you in this world and you think ‘Is this God punishing me, my family, or the world at large?’ Well, I’m here to tell you that is absolutely not the case. I have wondered many times if it was God punishing me or if I had done something to anger him. I have experienced much suffering, pain, and tribulation in my life and many times wondered if it was God’s…

  • Bibliolatry: Worship Of The Bible

    I never thought that a person could actually worship the Bible, or that there was even an actual term for this. Bibliolatry can be taken by some to mean “taking following the Bible to an extreme”, but the truth of Bibliolatry is that it means “to worship the Bible in the place of God”. Now, I never would have considered myself a person that in any way worshiped the Bible, but what I have come to learn is that in a way I have. There are many times in my Christian walk I have turned to the Bible for answers. However, I…

  • The Cost Of Following Christ

    Following Jesus has never been easy. If we look back to ancient times we have seen that the cost of following Christ can be one’s own life. Even in modern times we have seen Christians being slain in other countries for their beliefs. Here in the United States where I live, we don’t see a lot of death and persecution for following Jesus. I honestly have never thought a lot about the cost to me personally for following Christ. I’m the type of person that once I commit something, I am all in. Making the decision to commit is a…

  • Is God Enough? Reshaping Our Identity

    As we look back into the Garden at Adam Eve, we can see they were perfectly setup.  They had it all. They walked with God daily, all their needs were perfectly met, and they had each other they. They had a purpose and they were living totally unashamed of who they were. Yet when sin crept into the Garden, suddenly none of that was enough. God was no longer enough, and the perfect life He provided for them was not enough. This is the beginning of human discontentment. What caused this discontentment for Adam and Eve? What brought on the…

  • Easter And Mind Control Programming

    Last year I began a study on Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter. There in that study I found that the season of Lent actually starts with Fat Tuesday, also known as Carnival. Fat Tuesday is a huge holiday celebrated all over the world. It is a day where people gather together to celebrate before the 40 days of fasting for Lent. It is a time of fulfilling all of our gluttonous desires before we have to sacrifice the things that we enjoy and remember our shame and sorrow. Carnival (or Fat Tuesday) is a huge party where people feast, dance,…

  • The Seeds of Self-Hatred

    Self hatred has been as much a part of my life as breathing. From the time I was very young, the seeds of doubt and despair were planted into my being. I remember feeling hopeless, lost, confused, and most of all, unloved for the majority of my life. What I didn’t realize was that these were the very seeds of self-hatred that were planted and being watered daily. All it takes is a little hopelessness to create self-hatred and self loathing. Starting at a young age, we can become vulnerable to those seeds as they grow into self-hatred. Our desire…

  • How The Spiritual Realm Affects Our Physical Being

    When I first became a Christian I had no idea that there was a “spiritual realm”. I had some beliefs that there was “more out there than what we can see”, but I didn’t attribute it to a spiritual realm. I didn’t believe in coincidence, but that everything happened for a reason. I also believed that we were all connected by one “higher power”, and that everything was affected by it, I just didn’t want to attribute any of it with God. It was not until I had been a Christian for about a year or so I started having…

  • Living With Dissociative Disorder

    Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder is something I have lived with my entire life, I just didn’t know it. I remember being a child and seeing Sybil on Oprah one day. The thought of having a bunch of different people living inside one body scared me immensely. She would just switch from one personality to another, each personality very distinct from another. To me, that was what crazy looked like. I have never had any reason to believe I have Dissociative Disorder. I have never seen anything even remotely resembling Sybil in myself, and I never even really…

  • Ley Lines And Facebook: The Hidden Connection To The Occult

    This past week has a been a time of great revelation for me. If you have been following me you know that I have been doing inner healing in order to disconnect from the occult and all of the bondage and oppression that has been inflicted on me since birth.  During the past two weeks of my inner healing process, Jesus has been dealing with the damage that has been done through Facebook. He has also let me know that I am no longer to use Facebook and other social media, such as Instagram and twitter. So as of the…