• The Anti Christ Agenda In The Christian Church: Satanic Illuminati Part 4

    The Christian church is where Baphomet has chosen to set up his throne. Baphomet is the embodiment of the Luciferian/Anti Christ agenda, and most likely represents Lucifer himself. The Christian church is the perfect place for the Anti Christ to set his throne and make his reign, because it is the place that is least likely and least suspected. It is also the place where he has easily hidden it for thousands of years. Starting in the Middle Ages, the Christian church began removing the Word of God from the hands of the public and reconfigured the seat of authority…

  • Second Heaven Exposed! The Inner Workings Of Satan’s Domain: Satanic Illuminati Part 3

    There are 3 levels in the second heaven constructed as follows:   It is made clear throughout the Bible that there are multiple heavens. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 In the Bible we are told there are three separate heavens. The Highest Heaven, or Third Heaven is where the Throne of God is.  I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know – God knows 2 Cor 2 :12 “But…

  • Alternate Personalities And Trauma Based Mind Control: Satanic Illuminati Part 2

    Alternate personalities or dissociative identities are born in order to manage certain behaviors, experiences and feelings. Each alter can function either independently of one another, or in conjunction with others. Alters can be unaware of the inside system of parts, or that it is even a part of a body. Many alters actually live outside of the body, having traveled to second heaven. Each alter is created for a specific purpose. An alter can be created through ritual abuse trauma, but also through other childhood traumas. Getting lost, abuse, neglect, death of a loved one and other such traumas can…

  • Satanic Ritual Abuse In The Church

    What is satanic ritual abuse? Satanic ritual abuse is when an innocent victim is forced to take part in a satanic ritual. These victims can be any age, race or gender. Usually during the satanic  rituals the victim goes under some sort of physical, emotional or sexual trauma. There are many in this world who would believe that this sort of thing never happens. Then there are others who would believe this only happens in “satanic churches” or other such evil places. All would most definitely assume that it would never happen right in their own neighborhood, by people they…