• Hope In The Fiery Trials of Life

    We all go through seasons in life. Some up and some down. Some good and some trying. God is always with us through all of them, no matter what. However, sometimes it really seems like He is much farther away than at other times. Sometimes it seems that He is completely silent when we need Him most. I have had many hard days in my life when I was very sure God was very far away. The circumstances of my life and the suffering I was enduring was a clear indicator that God no longer cared about me. I think…

  • Making Your Way Out of the Pit

    When you are down in the pit, there is only one way to go: Up. I have been down in the pit for a long time. I’m not sure when I first fell into the pit, but it seems like its been more like a rabbit hole, where I just kept falling and falling, endlessly. It wasn’t until I started doing my inner healing that I finally landed at the bottom of the pit. It was where I had a firm place to land finally, and allow Jesus to bring me into safety. Free falling for my whole life has been…

  • Gateway To My Soul

    It is so easy to feel overwhelmed, like the weight of the war is simply going to crush your soul. There are times when I am attacked relentlessly for days at a time. There is no break, except to just throw myself into complete denial. The enemy is very decisive in his plans against me, and uses many ways to try to torment me. Recently I have had a long battle with a physical problem; my eyes. Not my eye sight, but with my eyes becoming swollen, itchy, red, watery and painful. Basically my eyes were showing signs of allergic…

  • God’s Promise For The Broken Hearted

    As I have been walking through my journey of inner healing  I have had a lot of difficult days. When I have my inner healing session every week, the Holy Spirit always helps me to recall memories that have been blocked out of my conscious mind due to severe trauma. The purpose for this is to continue to break off rights that were given to me through these satanic rituals, which I brought me continued oppression and allowed me to live in false beliefs. These false beliefs have wreaked havoc in my soul for my entire life. For instance, the beliefs…

  • Redeeming My Life From The Pit

    It has been about a year since I began my journey into inner healing. It has been quite a wild ride for me so far. When I first ventured into inner healing, I had no idea what I was even getting myself into. All I knew is that I was tired of being angry and sick and knew that God had made too many promises for me to live a life on victory to keep walking in pain. Yet I had no idea that when I begged God to help me to be better and to be closer to Him,…

  • Obedience To God

    When I first gave my life to God, three years ago it was after a few months of searching and questioning Him for what was true. I had many doubts about if the Bible was true, or how could there have been a flood, or how could God have created everything in 7 days? God was so patient with me, and so kind when showing me the answers. He showed me truth in ways that not only blew my mind, but opened me up more to who He is. When I finally realized that God is indeed the One True…

  • Testing Spirits

    I have always had a high discernment for the voice of God, and often times can communicate with Him very easily. I have had many times where I hear His voice and I obey (whether I argue about it first or not is another story) and I have had many times where I could ask Him a question and hear His answer easily. I do not hear God speak audibly, but I hear Him speak in my mind. It took some time for me to grow discernment to know God’s voice apart from others, and a big part of that…

  • Healing From Sexual Abuse

    When I was 13, my sister had her first child. I was so very excited, and was eager to babysit. My sister and I were not close, but she was newly married and living in a nice home with a new baby, so I was hoping to get closer to her by babysitting. Unfortunately, her husband had the same idea, about getting close to me. He slowly began to build a relationship of trust and kindness with me, in order to get close to me. Next thing I knew, he was grabbing my butt one day, as I was holding…

  • Joy Of The Lord

    Joy of the Lord is something that has been elusive to me as of late. As I have been going through my journey of inner healing, I have been receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit about severe and extreme abuse that I have endured from the hands of those that loved me most: My parents, grandmother and my “family” at the Mormon church I grew up in. This has been a devastating blow to me, because I have suppressed this for most of my life. The abuse was satanic in nature. It was ritualistic. It was pure evil. I have…

  • How To Deal With Pain And Anger

    I have been going through hell lately. It’s been over half of a year now since I began a journey into discovering why I have had a life filled with intense pain. I had gotten to the point where I felt much better than I ever had, because Jesus unconditional love and saving grace had brought me transformation. Yet I discovered that as time went on, I wasn’t doing as well as I thought I was. After the initial transformation (which was huge) I started to decline. Don’t get me wrong – all the changes the Holy Spirit inspired me…