When personal tragedy strikes, it can be very easy to be so overcome with grief and anger that it can block out the truth about God. I have seen it happen many times, even in my own life. As a matter of fact, the devil counts on using tragedy to steal us away. I have been working diligently to overcome the trauma of my past for almost four years now. Through it all Jesus has blessed me abundantly, by taking my hand and walking me through this life. He has renewed me in so many ways, yet it has been…
Rejoice! All the earth, for the Lord of Hosts, draws near! He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords There is no one in all the earth like my God! My soul draws nigh to Him in jubilant exaltation! How I long to be near the Living God. He is my hope, my freedom, and my salvation; the light of my life. I have seen the depths of decay and despair, I have touched the hem of deaths garments. I have borne witness to terror and known keenly the mind of fractured disarray; but my God…
I cannot tell you what a long and wild ride I have been on lately, and today I feel like I have finally made it to the other side. When I first came to Christ six years ago I had no idea the journey I was about to embark on. I thought I was just going to have that good Christian life I had read about, and things were finally going to be easy for me. And in a sense, things were easier than they had been. I had been fighting an uphill battle for years without Christ, so to…
I have always thought of myself as a “good person”, meaning, the kind of person who never intentionally sets out to harm others or do anything wrong. The kind of person that strives to be a better person and make the world a better place. So when I found out that my whole world has been precariously balanced on a web of witchcraft and lies, it threw me completely off balance. I mean, dizzy and unable to function, off balance. At first, I didn’t realize why I was so dizzy all the time. I thought perhaps it was a spiritual…
When I was five years old I willingly gave my life over, body, mind, and soul, to Lucifer. Now you might wonder how a five-year-old child could understand what it means to give themselves wholly over to the devil, but believe me when I tell you it took more torture than I can ever describe here on this blog for my free will to choose him. It was truly a matter of life or death, and when you have spent your meager life choosing between more pain or less pain, you begin to choose the lesser of two evils. It…
Grace is not a word I would have ever used to describe my life in the past, and until recently grace has been more of a concept or idea. According to the dictionary, grace is unmerited approval or favor, freely given. That means you don’t have to work for it or do something in particular to receive it. For most of us, I think grace is a foreign concept, especially if it’s coming from God. In Christianese, grace is used often and easily to describe the Christian life, but how many of us actually can apply that same grace to…
Self hatred has been as much a part of my life as breathing. From the time I was very young, the seeds of doubt and despair were planted into my being. I remember feeling hopeless, lost, confused, and most of all, unloved for the majority of my life. What I didn’t realize was that these were the very seeds of self-hatred that were planted and being watered daily. All it takes is a little hopelessness to create self-hatred and self loathing. Starting at a young age, we can become vulnerable to those seeds as they grow into self-hatred. Our desire…
Depression has been something I have lived with for most of my life. Thoughts of hopelessness, despair, and a general sense of purposelessness have overwhelmed me on many occasions. Counseling and prescription drugs never helped me, nor did any other outside source I ever tried. The only relief I have ever found was through the redemptive healing of Jesus Christ in my life. For many, depression is a regular part of your daily life. It can bring about a great swirling cloud of emotions that threaten to take over. Once depression settles in, it is very hard to get out…
Last week I wrote a post about forgiveness, and I would like to follow it up with a post on how to forgive. Learning to forgive can be quite difficult for some people. It can seem as though forgiving someone is excusing every bad thing they have done to you. However, that is not how the Lord sees forgiveness. Jesus came to set us free from oppression and death, and when we hold on to unforgiveness, we are holding on to the very things that strive to keep us in bondage. For I consider that the sufferings of this present…
Forgiveness has been something that I have struggled with all of my life. From the time I was born, I was being physically and sexually abused by my family and at the Mormon Church. I grew up feeling worthless and abandoned; constantly lied to and betrayed. I was beaten down for having gifts from God to see and talk to Him, and was taught that I was generally stupid and altogether evil. All these things shaped the core of who I was. Instead of growing into a tender young girl who loved the Lord, and wanted to help and serve…