• God’s Mercy In Our Rebelllion

    There is a fear of the future that seems to keep people captivated. A collective dread hangs over us, a fear of the end of everything we know. We see it in all the end-time movies and talk about the prophecy of the last days to come. Every generation for two thousand years has believed we would see the end of the world, and it is a fear that seems deeply ingrained in us. I have also been drawn into that fear many times during my life, especially within the past few years. It is very tempting to see the…

  • How I Became A Dominating Wife

    I never wanted to be a dominating wife, but sometimes God leads you down one path in order to teach you along the journey. As a young woman growing up I began to experiment with intimate relationships with other women. I was tired of being “used and abused” by men and I firmly believed that if I was in a relationship with a woman I would never be hurt or abused. A woman would be compassionate and kind, and would never, never use me for sex. However, it didn’t take me long to discover that I was 100% wrong in…

  • The Call To Come Out Of Babylon

    Long ago, before time began, you received a call to go forth into this world on an assignment from your Papa. He showed you all the obstacles you would face in this world so you would know what you were choosing when you said yes. Some of those things were vile and others were horrific, but still, you said yes. When you were born you have swept away into Babylon, and that is where we live today. I tell you this because the call has come down from on high to leave the trappings of this world in exchange for…

  • A Warning For America

    I have written a lot about mind control programming and how it affects each of us daily. I have also written about the importance of reconnecting our spirit with the Spirit of God in order to break off the veil of programming laid over us at birth. With the Presidential election here, there is no better time for me to talk about the Patriotic Programming that has been sewn into each American at birth. The purpose of patriotic programming is to connect us with the spirit of the Antichrist. We see a parallel in today’s America with Nazi Germany. The…

  • The Luciferian Agenda Against God’s Holy Spirit

    In my last post, I explained my journey into the Charismatic movement and the profound effect it has had on my life. I am still working through disconnecting from the false belief systems I held and wrestling with other beliefs that have brought a lot of confusion. One of those beliefs is the continued use of the gifts of the Spirit, or what some refer to as the “sign gifts”. These gifts are prophecy, healing, tongues, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge and miracles. All these gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 14:11 as gifts given and empowered by the…

  • The Antichrist Side Of Christmas

    For many years I have been a huge proponent for Christmas. Even though I have known and celebrated the pagan side of Christmas and it’s counterpart Winter Solstice, I have still felt that Christmas is not inherently evil or wrong for Christians to celebrate. I have focused on the good in Christmas and tried to remove as much of the pagan rituals we incorporate as I could. That being said, I have also seen another side of Christmas that is often less talked about. The Antichrist side. I want to preface this by saying I am not against Christmas or…

  • God Is A Woman: Feminism And The Antichrist Agenda

    When I was growing up as a young girl in the 80’s, feminism had just come to a peak, changing social attitudes and laws regarding the way women are seen and treated. It was a great time for women to be whatever they wanted to be, whether that meant to have a career and a family, climb the corporate ladder, or have sex with whomever you wanted, women were enjoying of liberation from their oppression. The Sexual Revolution meant women could have sex and be a sexual being without being objectified and used by men. More so, women could turn…

  • The Anti Christ Agenda In The Christian Church: Satanic Illuminati Part 4

    The Christian church is where Baphomet has chosen to set up his throne. Baphomet is the embodiment of the Luciferian/Anti Christ agenda, and most likely represents Lucifer himself. The Christian church is the perfect place for the Anti Christ to set his throne and make his reign, because it is the place that is least likely and least suspected. It is also the place where he has easily hidden it for thousands of years. Starting in the Middle Ages, the Christian church began removing the Word of God from the hands of the public and reconfigured the seat of authority…

  • Second Heaven Exposed! The Inner Workings Of Satan’s Domain: Satanic Illuminati Part 3

    There are 3 levels in the second heaven constructed as follows:   It is made clear throughout the Bible that there are multiple heavens. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 In the Bible we are told there are three separate heavens. The Highest Heaven, or Third Heaven is where the Throne of God is.  I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know – God knows 2 Cor 2 :12 “But…

  • Alternate Personalities And Trauma Based Mind Control: Satanic Illuminati Part 2

    Alternate personalities or dissociative identities are born in order to manage certain behaviors, experiences and feelings. Each alter can function either independently of one another, or in conjunction with others. Alters can be unaware of the inside system of parts, or that it is even a part of a body. Many alters actually live outside of the body, having traveled to second heaven. Each alter is created for a specific purpose. An alter can be created through ritual abuse trauma, but also through other childhood traumas. Getting lost, abuse, neglect, death of a loved one and other such traumas can…