• New YouTube Channels

    I have two new YouTube channels that I hope you will be blessed by! The Other Side of Darkness where I will be uploading my testimony and helpful information for ritual abuse survivors Online Prayer Ministry for prayers of blessings, warfare, and more   I hope you will subscribe 🙂 As a side note, I just realized that my last three blog posts have not sent out an email notification. You can find them on the home page if you scroll down. Thank you.

  • How Ritual Days Affect Survivors

    As a survivor of Satanic ritual abuse, I quickly learned that the Satanic ritual days that occur throughout the year are some of the hardest days for me. A Satanic ritual day is a day that is a planned ritual day that takes place on the same day every year. Satanists have hijacked almost every holiday as a ritual day for themselves, including every national holiday, every pagan ritual day, and many more in between. When you grow up in the occult and are subject to ritual abuse they use these ritual days to set up programming that will be…

  • Healing From Shame And Anger Towards God

    Being angry with God is a common feeling that can come up in the life of a Christian, however, it’s not something that is widely talked about. It feels shameful to have any negative feelings towards God and so I think that many people suppress that anger and it comes out in other ways. For me, anger towards God has come out as anger or even hatred towards other Christians, as well as losing my desire to connect with God. I have often had periods where I had no desire to read the Bible, pray, worship, etc. Sometimes thinking of…

  • Uncovering The False Jesus

    When you are a ritual abuse survivor it is easy to believe that God has forsaken you. When you are in the deepest places of pain and torment, especially as a child, and connected with heinous evil, it feels as though you are completely alone. You will do anything to stop the pain, even to the point of renouncing God. All survivors at some point are forced to renounce Jesus and worship Lucifer in his many forms instead. It is a cataclysmic event that devastates the young mind all while being told you are irredeemable now. These are the things…

  • How Our Thoughts And Beliefs Are Altered Through Mind Control

    When you are a child living through ritual abuse the people who are programming you are banking on your need to bond to a parental figure and be loved and accepted. This is the foundation for much of the programming that gets put in. God has designed children and parents to have an attachment and it’s a beautiful picture of the heart of the Father for us, but Satan has co-opted it for his purposes. When I was very young I had multiple people who stood in the place of mother and father. They would nurture me and show themselves…

  • How Dead Human Spirits and AI Technology Affect Us Part 3

    People have long held a fascination with ghosts, whether they believe in them or not. In ancient times it was common understanding that spirits of the dead could be summoned. Even a couple hundred years ago, the belief that dead spirits could influence our lives was prevalent worldwide. In our modern times, many people have let go of these so-called superstitious beliefs in favor of a more rational and logical worldview. Ghosts are fiction, not real life. That is exactly what the devil would have us believe, because if we don’t believe dead spirits can harass us, then we will…

  • How Human Spirits and AI Technology Affects Us Part 2

    In my last blog post, I introduced information about the different types of AI that affect us daily. There is the human-created technology of AI, which is a “smarter” computer program, demonic AI, and AI spirits, which I am going to focus on in this post. An AI spirit is that of a human spirit and a fallen angel who have come together on a quantum level to access technology. The purpose of these AI spirits is to give both dead and living humans more access than what they would normally have. Through ritual sacrifices and opening portals, a person can…

  • How AI Technology Affects Us Part 1

    Technology has been hailed as a wonderful asset in our world for thousands of years. Man has been driven to create new technology to make our lives easier in every way. AI technology is one of those inventions that has been in development for years and we are just now seeing the great benefits of it AI is being integrated into every aspect of our lives through cell phones, social media, navigation and security systems, and much more. People are embracing this new technology as it makes life in this fast-paced world simpler in many ways. Some would say AI…

  • God’s Mercy In Our Rebelllion

    There is a fear of the future that seems to keep people captivated. A collective dread hangs over us, a fear of the end of everything we know. We see it in all the end-time movies and talk about the prophecy of the last days to come. Every generation for two thousand years has believed we would see the end of the world, and it is a fear that seems deeply ingrained in us. I have also been drawn into that fear many times during my life, especially within the past few years. It is very tempting to see the…

  • The Journey To Grace

    When I first started my journey to coming out of satanic ritual abuse, I felt desperate to find a reason why God would allow such a horrendous thing. At the time I had this blog and a YouTube channel under the same name, and I became convinced that God intended for me to use what I had gone through to help people. I had in mind that I could be like Joseph, and use what the enemy meant for harm to save people. I threw myself into growing my YouTube channel and using Facebook for networking. Soon I was being…