The Christian church is where Baphomet has chosen to set up his throne. Baphomet is the embodiment of the Luciferian/Anti Christ agenda, and most likely represents Lucifer himself. The Christian church is the perfect place for the Anti Christ to set his throne and make his reign, because it is the place that is least likely and least suspected. It is also the place where he has easily hidden it for thousands of years.
Starting in the Middle Ages, the Christian church began removing the Word of God from the hands of the public and reconfigured the seat of authority to the high-ranking government officials and royalty. Instead of Jesus Christ being our intercessor, the people were now being led to the government, the King or the Pope for salvation and redemption.
As the throne of God was being replaced with the throne of worshiping man and idols, the Christian church began being built upon the principles and theologies of heresies and lies. Man was to begin to adhere to strict rules and laws and lay aside the freedoms Christ died to give us. Religion was the new star of the church, while sin and immorality took a back seat.
With pharisaical law the new standard of the church, it left Christianity ripe for corruption, leaving and open doorway for the new Satanic order to come in. In the mid 1950’s the new mind control programming was being mass-produced in Switzerland and tested out in the United States. A new underground of mind control slaves was being born, a hybrid of Christian and Satanist, and secretly added into society.
With the ability to create programmed alternate personalities hidden with individuals, the New World Order had a chance to repopulate the world. Good upstanding individuals, who were honest God-fearing people, were placed in high-ranking leadership positions all around the world. Upon dedicating themselves to this NWO agenda, they were not only surrendering the rights of their lives, but the rights to every generation that was to come after them.
Year after year innocent children were being exploited into the Satanic movement of the Christian church. Secret groups of Satanists were rising up, hidden within the confines of the church walls. From birth these leaders would dedicate their children to Satan, and the pattern would recreate itself, generation after generation.
Secret societies within the church and every other religion are now dominating every religion in the world. Every week secret meetings are being held where satanic rituals, human sacrifices, orgies, blood-letting and more are being performed. The coven of Satanists meets in the inner sanctuary of the church to worship Baphomet and Baal.
The pillars of false idol worship are set up in every church. Pillars to Asherah, Baal, the Beast and the False Prophet. The Anti Christ spirit is the false Holy Spirit of the church. He works to bring wonders and miracles into the church, leading millions to believe in his false powers.
He recreates miracles of healing, and works signs of gold dust, gold teeth, angel feathers, gems and other signs miraculously appearing within the church and its people. This brings proof to the people who this spirit is alive and real and the people fall to their knees worshiping it, believing it is Christ.
The Anti Christ movement is to further remove Jesus Christ from the church and its people. When the people begin to worship Lucifer in the church, there is no room for Jesus to be the head. The church has now taken up doing light and image shows in their worship services, things used to trigger mind control programming.
Millions of people are victim to mind control programming every year. They are programmed to leave their bodies via astral travel and join together in the astral plane to do astral rituals. Church leaders and officiates stimulate the congregation with trigger words, images, phrases, lights, sounds etc. to leave the body and join in the astral rituals during the church service.
The Christian church, which was once a place to worship the Living God who created the Heavens and the earth, has now become a home to Lucifer himself. I have seen Lucifer in the Christian church, and his presence brought the people to their knees in worship and awe. Lucifer does not come as a horned devil to scare us, he comes as a replica of the Christ himself. He is the Anti Christ, and he comes as an angel of light to deceive the elect.
When Lucifer is in a church, the church appears to be alive and well. The church has it’s hand in many areas of ministering to the community as well as the world at large. It has life and movement in its worship services, and speaks of hope and freedom to the congregation. People feel at home and loved in the Anti Christ church. They feel accepted as if they can really be who they are. They feel united together under this umbrella of love of acceptance and want to share it with the world.
Lucifer is no fool. He has been working for thousands of years to get to this point in time where he could use the very Christians who profess to love Christ to tear down His body. He has striven to bring technology to its peak by introducing it to the ancient peoples. Man believed he was ingenious and creative, bringing new inventions into the world to improve the quality of life, when indeed it was the fallen angels they worshiped who taught them how to improve the ease in which they were able to build the temples and altars to worship them at.
Here we see an example of how the occult has occupied our Christian churches. The sanctuary is set up as seen here. Imagine this as the sanctuary room itself. The four corners of the room have been dedicated to the pillars of Asherah, Baal, the Beast and the False Prophet. These pillars are not physical, but spiritual. In the spiritual realm these pillars are as real as can be.
Each of these pillars also represents one of the elements of the pentagram. Asherah represents the element of Air, while Baal represents the element of water. The Beast represents to element of fire and the False Prophet represents the element of fire. These elements are important symbols used in the evocation of these spirits. The elements are always used in rituals to represent the manifested deities that are being invoked.
With Lucifer at the head of the sanctuary, he completes the pentagram with the element of spirit. Lucifer, or Horus, the All Seeing Eye is ever watchful and ever-present over his congregation, ensuring that they keep in line and in the traditions of man he has set up to follow.
In the center of the sanctuary is the meeting place of the inner circle of the satanic coven. This is the highest ranking order of Satanists within this particular church coven. These members will be actual church members, but often times unchurched individuals or those from another religion or brought in to this inner circle. It is reserved for the most powerful ranks, no matter the denomination or religious beliefs.
These rituals must be held in the center of the pentagram, which holds the most power; an amalgamation of the super powers of the deities that hold together the pentagram. The rituals can be physical or astral, and are held on a regular weekly basis. Astral rituals are just as powerful as the physical rituals, because many people can be called in via astral travel to join in for one enormous and powerful ritual.
The seat of Baphomet is located opposite the highest point of the pentacle and directly corresponds to the power seat of Lucifer. If Lucifer is the false Christ, then Baphomet is the false God the Father, leading all who worship him to this false Father figure.
How can the church be so utterly deceived and corrupt? If you have watched my past videos on mind control then I have explained in great detail how people have been indoctrinated with programming through trauma to create an entire secret inner world within one person. These dissociative individuals have a complex world of thousands of alternate personalities that are programmed to rebel against the very thought of God and all His precepts.
The amount of dissociative identities indoctrinated into the occult grows rapidly year after year. These individuals make up entire congregations and lead churches all across the world, with fallen angels helping to lead the way by embodying some of the highest ranking church officials.
We are a people being destroyed for lack of knowledge. We have chosen to push out the very idea of sin from the Christian faith and remove Christ from His cross, deciding that it’s much better for us to hang there instead. We are begging God desperately for help and wholeness, yet ignoring every move He makes toward us, belittling ourselves for being too pathetic and broken to come near a holy God.
Jesus Christ came to save us from this very thing, from this corruption and deceit. However, a people cannot be saved who refuse to admit they have sin and repent of it. We are eager to move closer to God when it makes us feel good and free and euphoric, but when it causes us grief because we have to face our own sin and desperate condition, we turn away in shame.
There is no shame or condemnation in Christ Jesus. There is love and grace and mercy that flow freely like a river of life. He has opened up the door to the hidden inner sanctuary of His throne room and invited us in. All we have to do is be willing to accept His free invitation.
God did not invite us here because life feels good or is easy. Was it easy for Christ to come as a human being, a helpless infant who faced death? Was it easy for Him to hang there as every single sin that ever was and ever would be crushed Him with the weight of their death? Then is it really such a hard price to pay to come before the Living God and seek His face with true contrition and repentance? Or is it easy to just allow sin to run over our lives, or families, our churches and this entire world?
We must stop deciding to be our own gods. We have tried and failed to run our own lives and it’s time to stop calling evil our friend and neighbor. Evil is evil no matter how you disguise it and until we call it what it truly is we can never get out of bed with it.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
Before Jesus came into His ministry, John the Baptist came and gave a loud and clear call towards repentance. Repent and be saved, for the Kingdom of God is near. The Kingdom of God has come and is here right now. Choose God and choose life, freedom, hope and eternal salvation, or choose fear of man and the devil instead. You cannot choose both.
Jesus Christ is the same today as He was when the world was created for Him and through Him in the beginning of time, and He is the same God that is going to ride on the clouds as King of Kings and Lord of Lords one that last and fateful day. He is bigger than the devil and has already destroyed death and hell. Allow Him to truly be Lord over your life; every single part of it. Allow Him to truly make you a new creation and separate you from the death that you thought you had to take on.
God is good. He is loving. He is holy, He is righteous, He is fair. He is your Father and He will never leave any of us or forsake us. He is not looking down from heaven feeling sorry for us or even angry that we have failed. He is right there inside your heart fighting every battle on your behalf. He is not willing that any should perish, and that is why Christ died for us. That death was the ultimate sacrifice that conquered the devil once and for all.
Lucifer has lost. He continues to play his game, and he will not give up. That does not mean we should give up on God. God has not given up hope. He is the author of all hope. So turn over your fears and your failings to Him now, and allow Him to bring you the hope and peace you desire.
I pray that every person that reads any of these words are comforted by the truth of it. That Jesus Christ is Lord no matter what. I pray that every person that hears any of this video moves closer to Jesus, and that the veil is lifted from before their eyes, in His perfect timing. I pray that Jesus be the Lord over your understanding, and refresh you anew with His hope and love. In Jesus name.
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5