Do you believe in demons? Do you believe they are more than a story in the Bible or fantasy in a movie? Do you believe that demons are present in your life right now, looking to cause you harm? Or do you believe that demons do not exist at all?
I never believed in demons before a couple of years ago, and I was a witch. But as a witch I believed that what I did was for the good of all. I didn’t believe in Satan or hell, and in my mind I had nothing to do with them. I never knew anyone who believed in demons either. Demons were for scary movies, and I loved scary movies. And Halloween. I loved that too! It wasn’t until I finally accepted the Bible as the inerrant Word of God that I began to believe in demons. Then I accepted it as truth that they were real, even though I had no real experience with demons. Or so I thought.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
I think it is very hard for some people to believe that demons are real. After all, most people cannot actually see them. And I don’t think most Christians think much about demons at all. This is exactly what Satan wants us to do – ignore him and go on with our lives as if he doesn’t even exist. That only makes his job so much easier. If we acknowledge Satan and his demons then that means we claim the power of victory over him. That means that we learn to fight him with the power of the name and blood of Jesus Christ that we have inherited.
Have you ever been plagued with pain or physical ailments that would not go away even with treatment? Have you ever had problems with a particular sin, that you could not be freed from no matter how hard you tried? Have you ever been so stuck in emotion, such as depression or anger, that you feel as though you are drowning in it and can’t get help? If this has ever happened to you, there is a good chance it is being caused by demons. It is true that Christians cannot be possessed by demons. But what many are not aware of is that demons can still live inside of us. They cannot control us, but they can cause many problems and torment us. I know this is true, because I have experienced it in my own life.
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Since becoming born again by the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I have come to learn a lot about demons and spiritual attack. I have had many problems in the past two years, such as debilitating brain fog, anxiety, anger,, severe bloating in my stomach, and more. These are all problems that I tried to address both physically and spiritually. I tried seeing different doctors, taking supplements, changing my diet, and using whatever I could that might give me any relief to any of these problems. I also had people pray over me for healing over and over again. With all of these things I began to see improvement with my symptoms – temporarily. Within a matter of days or a week my symptoms would literally get worse. I have gone through this for over a year – the process of trying to heal and claim the victorious life in Christ I know I can have. The kicker came when I finally got a full physical and blood panel and was told there was nothing wrong with me – I was as healthy as could be!
I became increasingly desperate in my attempts to find healing. My brain fog was so bad I could not take care of my own children anymore. It would send me into severe bouts of depression that I hadn’t experienced since being saved. It just didn’t seem right to me to get better and then get so much worse. I believed in spiritual attack and evil. And I have seen and felt the presence of demons before. After coming out of a long life of rebellion against God – witch craft and the occult, drug and alcohol abuse, and much more – I knew that Satan himself was hell-bent on keeping my bound.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesian 6:12
Finally I was desperate enough that I googled “deliverance ministry” searching for one near me. There wasn’t much in the results, but I did find one! I asked my husband to call and check it out. We made an appointment and went down to met the man who ran the deliverance ministry. He worked with a church and made appointments every Tuesday evening. He was a great guy who spent time in worship and praise to Jesus during the prayer time. He was very genuine and taught me more about spiritual warfare. He cast demons out of me and the next day my brain fog was gone!
I was ecstatic that my brain fog was gone. I claimed victory and healing over the brain fog, and when I felt it begin to try to sneak up on me again, I rebuked it. Yet I still had other problems. I was still searching for an answer as to why I was still experiencing physical ailments and spiritual attack. I continued seeking healing prayer and got no results whatsoever. I was frustrated and exhausted from trying. I was ready to just give up and accept things the way they were.
It was not until I came to a deliverance ministry that addressed my spiritual problem in a new way. That is to summon the head demon living inside of me and put them on trial. I know that sounds pretty far-fetched to some. It was quite a strange experience and I am still reeling from it myself. Yet I can testify that when the deliverance ministers began to summon the head demon and speak to it – I clearly heard a voice that was not mine. I felt a presence that was angry, hateful, annoyed, bored, disgusted and boastful. How can that be? How can I have had so many healing and deliverance prayers and still have demons inside of me? It was something that confused me greatly, because shouldn’t I be all cleaned out by now? I have repented for all the things I have done against God, over and over again. I have had deliverance ministers cast out demons from me. I have felt the healing power of Jesus touch me and envelop me. I have been high on the Holy Spirit to the point where all I could do was laugh. How could there be anything demonic in me whatsoever?
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Romans 16:20
I was soon to find out the answer to this as the deliverance ministers began to question this thing. Long ago before I was ever born, I was given over to Satan in a blood sacrifice by someone in my family. And not just by one family member, but two. One, a Mormon, did it for power. Mormons are known to use Masonic style rites and rituals. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism was a Freemason and took much of what he learned in creating his new religion. If you are not familiar with Freemasonry, it is a polytheistic religious cult that believes man is becoming God. The other family member did it unknowingly. I sealed it all with my own blood ritual – cutting myself as a depressed teenager. I was doomed before birth to be given over to darkness. Suddenly my life made a lot more sense to me.
This blood sacrifices resulted in a generational curse that has come down the line and into my own children. I have seen the fruit of this curse in my life and in my children. I have seen uncontrollable anger, rage, violence, and hatred passed down from me and to my children. It has caused many emotional and mental problems for all of us. I can only assume that this has also affected many other family members as well. I know families are often dysfunctional, but I have to say this answer some questions for me about some serious and strange things going on with mine.
By the end of the deliverance session we were able to find out all the rights that these demons were able to get so that they could continue stay. We revoked all rights and sent this head demon and all of his minions away. I was exhausted after three hours of prayer, but excited! I was ready to be totally free from demons and their attacks in my life. But the week that followed turned out to be the worst week of all. My husband and I were fighting like we hated each other. My kids were trying to kill each other. I began to doubt myself and feel like I was crazy and felt depression creeping in again. There just had to be something wrong with me. I was doomed for life, never to be free, never to be happy.
I am not telling you this story so that you would be fearful, but quite the opposite. I want you to know that there is nothing to fear on this earth or in hell, because Satan and his demons have already lost. As hard as they work, as much as they may plague humans, that is the best they can ever do. They hate us and want to destroy us because we are made in the image of God, and one day we will live with Jesus in heaven for all eternity. And that hope is what we need to cling to, day after day as we fight the good fight. We need to persevere through trials and become mature and complete, growing in our faith. We need to learn to do spiritual battle with the enemy and completely and wholly rely on Jesus Christ.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
After a week of feeling like I was a real loser God brought a powerful message to me. I was waiting to arrive at some state where I was untouchable by evil, but I realized that I was waiting for something that doesn’t exist. It was another lie I believed that was holding me captive. We live in Satan’s domain. We are always going to have spiritual warfare in our lives. It’s a matter of being aware of our enemy and learning to put on our spiritual armor. We have to depend on God every moment of every day, and stop trying to fight the battle alone. We have to remember that God is so much bigger than any problem or any demon that we have, and that even if we have to suffer for a season, He will use it to work together for our good. That is a promise that we should not take for granted.
Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19